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Book: Stay by S. Mulholland Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Mulholland
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are you talking about?” He asks through clenched teeth.
                  Is he mad at me? I know then that I hit a nerve.
                  I don’t know what to think about his reaction so I decide to continue with the inquisition since the cats out of the bag. No taking it back now.
                  I take a deep breath. “I—I ju—just wanted to know if it was true…you and…Melanie…” I stutter nervously.
                  I await his response by looking down at my feet. It’s the only place my eyes will go because looking at him will hurt too much since a part of me already knows the answer to my question. His reaction is a dead giveaway.
                  I feel my heart start to break a little.
                  He takes a step towards me grabbing my chin to make me look at him. “Who put that thought in your head, Alexandra?” He asks softly.
                  My eyes begin to sting because I’m not sure why any of what Melanie said to me hurts so much. I don’t understand any of this. It’s stupid for me to feel this kind of pain because some Skank basically said that she fucked him.
                  Whatever we have together, it scares the shit out of me. I just can’t bear the thought of him with anyone else but me even though we haven’t been together intimately yet.
                  I try to look away from him but he moves my head back towards him and his eyes plead with me so I give in, “Melanie...” I whisper.
                  He tenses again but his eyes don’t waver from mine. “Did you believe her, Alexandra?” He whispers back.
                  I find that I can’t lie to him. “I don’t want to, Jason…”
                  “Then don’t. Please, Baby…don’t.” He says softly, rubbing my chin back and forth. 
                  I can only nod in response because I feel that he’s being sincere with me. It’s like he’s begging me to trust him without actually telling me to and somehow, it works because I find myself doing just that.
                  His soft lips meet mine then and it’s like he puts a spell on me every time he touches me because my only thoughts are of him and me—nobody else. In this moment, there is no one else for him—just me.
                  Once we clear the air with a good make out session, we make our way to my favorite restaurant Ten O One.
                  After lunch we see a movie, which seems normal enough, at least for us, since we almost never do things that are equivalent to a normal “dating” couple.
                  Being together like this makes me see how much I love spending time with him. Sometimes it seems like we can only enjoy being with each other when he allows himself to be with me and not have his mind be somewhere else.
                  I avoid any topic about his holiday weekend because to be honest, I don’t think I really want to know what he did. It’s clear to me that Melanie was being the hateful Bitch she always has been when she told me all her information. Accepting that doesn’t take away from the fact that Jason is unwilling to share a lot about himself with me.
                  I want to believe so badly that he’s not playing me. That he’s not playing with my heart, but it’s hard to when he’s so closed off.
                  I do know that for right now, I have to trust in him and not believe what Melanie told me even if there’s a tiny part of me that wants to ask her what the hell she really wanted to tell me, if it wasn’t that she was fucking him or had fucked him.
                  Luckily, Melanie stays out of my head for the rest of the evening and after the movie ends we drive back to campus.
                  After he parks the car, we walk hand in

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