Staying Alive

Staying Alive by Debra Webb Page B

Book: Staying Alive by Debra Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Webb
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Thrillers
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and texture above a bed of vibrant greens. Water or diet cola would have to do since Darlene had not yet acquired a taste for Claire’s artificially sweetened iced tea.
    Claire readied the table, using her best stoneware. Her only stoneware actually. She’d been hooked on the fruit motif from the moment she’d laid eyes on it. Her whole kitchen was designed around those same colors.
    She checked the clock just as the doorbell rang.
    “Now that’s perfect timing.”
    Having company, especially Darlene, would help to ward off memories from the past. She had enough new trouble in the present without borrowing from the past she’d worked so hard to put behind her.
    She reached for the door, almost opened it, but a nagging voice reminded her to check first. She wasn’t expecting anyone other than Darlene; however, there was a terrorist on the loose who might want revenge. Some part of her still found that notion completely unbelievable. But another part, a more cautious side, didn’t want to take any chances.
    Claire waved at Darlene, who noticed her peeking through the slats of the blind, then unlocked and opened the door.
    Looking woefully depressed, Darlene sighed and announced, “Married. Both of them. Detectives Benson and Lassiter.”
    The cops on surveillance duty, Claire realized. She motioned for Darlene to come on inside. “Forget about that. Lunch is waiting.”
    Salad dressing in hand, Darlene trudged inside. “Why do all the interesting ones have to be married already? It just isn’t fair.”
    “They might not be interesting,” Claire countered. She took the bottle of dressing from her friend and led the way to the table. “Just because they’re cops doesn’t mean they’re interesting.”
    “Sure it does.”
    The two hugged. “You holding up okay?”
    Claire nodded. “I’ll survive.”
    Darlene gave her a smile that said she didn’t have a doubt.
    “Sit.” Claire gestured to a chair at the table. “Eating always makes me feel better.” Until she had time to consider the ramifications, she thought.
    “I’ve never dated a cop,” Darlene went on as she dribbled her own fat-filled dressing on her salad. “Maybe that’s where I’ve been going wrong.”
    Claire nodded and made agreeable sounds asher friend wandered off on her tangent about the men she should have chosen. Darlene was a striking woman. Tall and slender with perfect cheekbones and amazing hazel eyes. Her long blond hair was all-natural. And she had those movie-star teeth and not a single cap or veneer. Why did a woman that gorgeous feel so panicked about her love life? It just wasn’t fair.
    For a few minutes they ate in silence, then Darlene started in on the whole cop theory again.
    “There’s that adrenaline factor,” Claire reminded her. “All cops, firemen, et cetera, fall into that adrenaline-junkie zone. Their work is dangerous. Think about how unnerving it would be to have a husband who dons SWAT gear and goes into a situation like yesterday.” Her gaze moved to the clock and she couldn’t help thinking that the whole terrifying incident had started around this time yesterday.
    “A hero,” Darlene countered. “What would we do without them? Someone has to do it. A hero ,” she repeated dreamily. “I could get used to that.” She blinked, looked at Claire as if she’d just remembered something vastly important. “You’re an official hero, too, you know. I know you didn’t watch, but you were all over the news last night. The whole country now knows that you single-handedly saved those children.”
    “I didn’t single-handedly do anything.” Claire stood. “I think it’s time for dessert.” She shook her head at her friend’s plunge into the twilight zone. “Something thick and chocolatey to bring you back to your senses.”
    She had just the stuff. It hadn’t come from a bakery or a fancy shop with a dessert chef. Nope, her chocolate mousse came in a pack of four small containers from a

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