Staying Dirty
mine and I kiss her deeply, completely consumed. This woman. God , this woman. My little fighter. She makes me want to make some changes—reevaluate my life goals.
    Three is still my number.
    One: To strengthen my body. Make it strong. Make it a machine. Make it so that what happened before can never, ever , happen again.
    Two: To help others find their own strength so that what happened to me, what happened to Liv—what happened to Rocky—doesn’t happen to them.
    And three: My new favorite—to find the ability to let go of the past and allow myself to love again.

    This has been one hell of a ride. I don’t know if it’s normal for an author to thank a character in their own book, but I need to give a shout out to Linken Elliot. If it weren’t for him, the Dirty series never would have existed. I put his story on hold, afraid to let him lead me into his dark world, but Link wouldn’t allow me to forget him. And for that, I am incredibly grateful. This has been one of the hardest series to write, and also one of the most difficult to finish. Thanks Link. I hope we meet again.
    As always, thank you to my awesome family. You guys are the best! If it weren’t for your unconditional love and constant support, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I love you guys so much.
    Thank you to my sister and editor, Dawn. And my sister, Tammy, for all your help with my website. I love you both bunches. I have the best sisters in the world!
    My author besties, thank you for your friendship. I love our talks, and appreciate the laughs and ongoing words of wisdom. Love you guys!
    Bloggers! I LOVE YOU! I can’t imagine writing without you. Your support over this series has blown me away. I don’t know how I can ever thank you all enough.
    And readers, thank you for reading my books—even the short novellas with cliffhangers! You guys rock!

Other books by Cheryl McIntyre:
    Sometimes Never
    Blackbird (a Sometimes Never novella)
    Before Now (Sometimes Never 2)
    Long After (Sometimes Never 3)
    Dark Calling
    Getting Dirty (Dirty 1)
    Playing Dirty (Dirty 2)
    Talking Dirty (Dirty 3)
    Fighting Dirty (Dirty 4)

About the author
    Cheryl McIntyre is a mother, author, and insomniac, as well as a reader, movie critic, and incredibly bad singer. She’s lived in the same area of Ohio her whole life, though she secretly has dreams of moving somewhere a little warmer—preferably near a beach.
    Her life revolves around four things: family, music, books, and really bad scary movies. If she doesn’t have a kid on her hip, an iPod in her hand or a laptop in front of her face, it’s one of those rare moments when she’s actually sleeping.
    You can follow her author page on Facebook where she lives part time. On Goodreads—which is like crack for avid readers. Or on Twitter, though it’s rumored she has yet to master the art of tweeting. Sadly, this is still very true.

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