Stealing Shadows

    "It doesn't feel like my place yet."

    "You said you'd been here only a few months?"

    "Since the end of August."

    He glanced at her. "We had a lot of snow in December. It must have been lonely out here."

    "There's lonely… and then there'slonely. Believe me, the peace and quiet was wonderful. Being alone was just what I needed." As he stopped the Jeep near the walkway, she added, "You don't have to get out."

    He did anyway, and then opened the passenger door for her. "I was raised right. Always walk a lady to her front door."

    Cassie didn't protest again. On the front porch, she dug in her jacket pocket for keys. "I guess I didn't have to lock the door, but habit dies hard."

    Ben frowned. "Keep the door locked. And if you don't have a security system or a big dog around, get both. Soon. A week ago I would have said it hardly mattered, but after what happened to Becky, and what you said about her killer, this town doesn't feel safe anymore."

    "That really bothers you."

    "Of course it does."

    "No – I mean that's something youdo take personally. Why? Because your family founded the town?"

    "Maybe. And I'm an elected official, very much concerned with the safety of the people of Salem County." He knew he was being deliberately offhand, that he did, in fact, take this threat very personally, but since he didn't have a ready answer and in any case wasn't given to explaining his emotions to anyone, it wasn't something he was willing to talk about.

    Cassie unlocked her front door. "Understandable. I'll try the coin again in a day or two. In the meantime, if I pick up anything else about the killer, I'll give you or Sheriff Dunbar a call."

    "Do that."

    She stepped into the house and turned back to face him. "Thanks for the ride."

    "You're welcome. Cassie…"


    Ben heard himself say, "Jill and I, we broke up last summer. A long time ago."

    "I see." Neither her face nor her voice revealed anything other than polite interest.

    "I just wanted you to know. It's been over for months."

    "All right," Cassie said.

    Since there was no graceful way out of it, Ben just said, "See you later," and went back to his Jeep.

    He wished he could have believed that Cassie watched him leave, but he was reasonably sure she had not.

    Putting the Jeep into gear, he muttered, "Jackass."


    FEBRUARY 19, 1999

    Matt Dunbar wanted to throw something across his office but contented himself with glaring at Cain Munro, who had the misfortune of being Salem County's medical examiner.

    "So, in other words," the sheriff said, "you can't tell me a fucking thing I didn't already know."

    Dr. Munro wasn't about to take that attitude from somebody he'd delivered with his own hands. "Watch your language, Matthew. I did you the courtesy of coming down here to report instead of calling you to the hospital, and I'd appreciate a little respect in return."

    Matt sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Right. Sorry, Doc. I'm just a little tense about this."

    Somewhat mollified, the doctor said, "I can understand that. Murder is never pretty, but this one was especially bad. Especially cruel. He nicked the artery first, let her bleed for a while before he finished the job."

    "Do you know what kind of knife he used?"

    "A sharp one." Dr. Munro grimaced. "Fairly short blade. Could have been a pocket knife."

    "Great. That's just great. I figure most of the male population over the age of twelve has at least one pocket knife."

    "I figure you're right. Sorry, Matt, I wish I could be more help. If you want to get a forensics expert in from Charlotte, you won't put my nose out of joint. But the girl's family has already called twice asking when they can bury her."

    The sheriff hesitated. "No ego here, Doc, I need the truth. Do you think a forensics expert could find something you might have missed?"

    Munro pursed his lips for a moment in thought but finally shook his head. "I'd have to say no. We went over her body with a magnifying

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