Stilettos & Scoundrels

Stilettos & Scoundrels by Laina Turner Page B

Book: Stilettos & Scoundrels by Laina Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laina Turner
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girl wouldn’t be ? I enjoyed the boost of self-esteem . I truly needed it, especially after this break up with Rick . I just hated for i t to be at the expens e of someone else’s feelings.
    “Brian , I don’t know what to say,” I stammered, trying to figure out how to fix this . I wasn’t usually at a loss for words , but I didn’t want to be rude or hurt his feelings. “You’ve kind of taken me by surprise. I mean we haven’t seen each other or spoken in years. We don’t even know each other anymore. Why would you think we could instantly reconnect and that there would be something there?”
    “Just forget it , Pres. I don’t want to deal with this, or you, right now. Thank s a lot.” He got up and walked angrily out of the coffee shop , muttering under his breath. Probably about what a bitch I was. But for the love of all things holy , w hat the hell did he expect? Thanks for what? I knew Brian was being sarcastic when he said that, but was it necessary ?
    I looked around quickly to see if anyone had noticed. It didn’t appear that anyone had . They were no doubt focused on their own conversations, so I just sipped my coffee nonchalantly and waited for Brian to cool off, come back in , and finish his coffee. I decided I would apologiz e too and maybe we could give this friend thing a second try. I would try to pay more attention to him and what he was saying , at least long enough for me to get home. I sat for a few minute s and watched everyone around me until I began to suspect that he wasn’t coming back. Nice. I hadn’t been back but for a few hours and had already been fixed up by my mother with my high school ex, argued with said ex , and gotten stranded. Some things never changed. All these years hadn’t mellowed either of their tempers. Now I was stuck without a ride home , and I doubted they had started a taxi service since the last time I was there. Especially not one that transported all the way to the boonies where my parents lived. I resigned my self to calling dear old Dad for a ride home and dreaded the thought because of the te asing that was sure to come. I should make my mother come get me. It was her fault I was in this mess to begin with. Although, knowing my mother , she would make me walk, as punishment for blowing things with Brian. Or she would spend the entire ride home criticizing me until they argue d. I sighed. What made me so bad with relationships? I should have been able to avoid upsetting Brian.
    As I contemplated my next step, not in any hurry to call home for a ride, a familiar face came into the coffee shop. Another high school buddy, Dirt Robinson, whose real name was Derrick. After eating dirt on a dare in fifth grade, he was given the nickname and it stuck, making him the coo lest kid in junior high. I wonder ed if he still went by Dirt. I couldn’t fathom calling him any thing else, but as an adult, I was sure it had lost some of its coolness. As he walked up to the counter , he saw me sitting at the table , broke into a wide smile , and walked over.
    “Look what the cat dragged in. To what do we owe this honor that you would grace us with your presence?” Dirt said to me with a mock bow. I squealed and gave him a hug. Always great friends back in the day, we had lost touch in subsequent years . Last I had heard he was in the Army.
    “It’s so good to see you , Dirt. I am actually here for work purposes, to interview Senator Daniels.”
    “Why do you want to waste your time with that sack of crap?”
    “T ell me how you really feel,” I said dryly. “I take it you don’t like the Senator.”
    “He’s a pompous ass. He thinks he’s so superior because h e thinks he helps this town. I wish he’d stay away. He makes me work more every time he comes to town.” Dirt obviously had strong feelings about the Senator to go on such a tirade. Interesting information to file away for later.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Look at me , sister! I’m the law.” I

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