Stone in a Landslide

Stone in a Landslide by Maria Barbal Page A

Book: Stone in a Landslide by Maria Barbal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Barbal
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now, and Ángela too.
    We hope for everyone’s sake that nothing will happen and that we might still come up in August.
    There is nothing else to say save that everyone here sends everyone there much love, especially from Ventureta and my wife Elisa.
    Your devoted cousin,

    After the news that some soldiers had revolted in Africa, everything turned upside down at home. Our cousins didn’t come up. Tia was in bed with a stomach bug that left her exhausted. Between work outside the village and the trips to Sarri, where they had just installed the water, Jaume was never at home. Monsignor Miquel complained, as much in the pulpit as on the street, that so much disorder would necessarily have to be met with order and that this Republic was a disaster. The sermon lasted longer than the Mass. Clearly he wanted to vent his feelings, because the sermons had nothing to do with the gospel of the day. What’s more, I continued to have that awful dream almost every night. The children were the only ones who were the same as ever. Elvira, happily in service at Montsent. She was learning so much, so happy to be there. In sewing class they showed her how to make a dress… Mateu, thin as always,but strong as a rock. Angeleta, helping me in everything and everywhere, poor little thing.
    Little by little news comes. Some people talk about fighting and deaths in the south of Spain… others talk about atrocities in Barcelona. They say that the priests have gone into hiding. Ours hasn’t been seen for two days. Jaume is exultant. He keeps saying that what the people have decided freely cannot easily be set aside, not even with guns. What does he mean, the people? The people means all the men and women who live in this country. I back away from these conversations and feel suffocated. Better not to ask anything. Today he told me off because I mentioned the marriage proposal for Elvira. As if it’s my fault someone wants to marry her. Don’t I say and keep saying that she is still a little girl? But he was like a wild animal. Is it that she’s a nuisance? A nuisance, my daughter? And then he went on about the heir’s family. He shouted: What do they want with a little girl of sixteen? Has the world gone mad?
    Big tears roll down my cheeks. My heart sinks. I say I am going to wash clothes in the river and leave the room. Jaume has stopped talking. I leave him staring at the glass in the window.

Part Three
    The rattling of the engine made me drowsy, but I was wide awake. I wasn’t dreaming now. On one side Elvira, on the other Angeleta and faces all around me. All unfamiliar, all quiet and withdrawn . No, this was no dream. It was real.
    They’d called at midday and asked in Spanish for the wife and children of Jaime Camps. Tia had answered all their questions calmly. I’d just obeyed. I had to get into the lorry with my children. We could snatch a little to eat for the day. Quickly. At the last minute, Tia had given a mattress to Elvira. It seemed unnecessary to me, but I didn’t say anything. I looked at the weapons and those tall strong boys, and they looked at Elvira out of the corners of their eyes. I just went along. Old Mrs Jou came and asked them to have mercy and let the little boy stay with his grandmother because he’s only six and he’s sick. They pushed her away but they didn’t take the boy, who clutched Tia’sblack dress like a leaf curled up by the wind against an old tree trunk.
    And no news from him, from Jaume. They came for him at daybreak. I was still in bed and so were the girls and little Mateu. I think they didn’t hear anything. Three short sharp knocks on the door. In Spanish: Camps, Jaime … – then all of his names – Justice of the Peace of the town of Pallarès under the Republic… come with us . As I got dressed quickly, I thought the baker had been right the night before. Get out of here Jaume, take my word for it. I’ve heard they want everyone who’s stood out in

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