
Storm by Rick Bundschuh Page B

Book: Storm by Rick Bundschuh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Bundschuh
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explained finally. “They had to go home already, but they left a couple letters for you.”
    With that, Sarah handed the girls two thank-you notes from Andrea and Susan.
    “No way!” Bethany said, looking down at the thick envelope in her hand. She thought of the winding trail that had led her to this moment. She was overwhelmed; no way could she have mapped out something like this. She glanced up at Holly, tears in her eyes.
    “You never know how God is going to work it all out,” Bethany said softly, almost to herself, and then shook her head in wonder.
    “And sometimes you don’t see the clues he left until the end of the mystery,” Holly said with a smile. “We sure didn’t see this coming!”
    “But you were both faithful and listened to him lead you,” Sarah added.
    “It makes me wonder where he is going to lead us next!” Bethany exclaimed. “I have a feeling our ‘mystery’ isn’t over yet!”

    Bethany dug her toes into the sand as she and Holly watched the small waves roll onto the beach. The forecasted swell hadn’t materialized to nearly the size that was promised, but it had been a fun day of surfing anyway, and neither of them felt like packing it in just yet. At least Bethany didn’t. She took in a deep breath, smelling sun and salt.
    There was something about the ocean, the sound of the crashing waves, the breeze—no matter where she was, it always drew her back. Kind of like a favorite song she never got tired of hearing.
    Bethany smiled.
    Like that Switchfoot song she and Holly sang at the top of their lungs along Hanakapiai Trail. They had totally wrecked the song, but at least it had caught Andrea’s attention. She shook her head at the memory, and then an idea suddenly hit her.
    “Wanna try something new?” she asked out of the blue, and then grinned as Holly narrowed her green eyes at her, already suspicious.
    “Like what? You’ve almost killed me twice now with those new ideas of yours.”
    Bethany laughed.
    “All right, so what’s your idea of fun today?” Holly asked in spite of herself.
    “Switch foot,” Bethany said as she grabbed up her board and headed for the water.
    “The band?” Holly asked, grabbing her own board as she hurried to catch up.
    “No, silly! Doing what the band is named for; switching feet. We’ll surf the opposite of our normal way.” As if to make her point, she quickly bent over and strapped her leash onto her right ankle.
    “I’m probably going to regret this,” Holly said, strapping her leash onto her left ankle.
    “Maybe, but no switching back,” Bethany grinned. “Deal?”
    The girls plunged into the warm water and paddled through the foam, past the impact zone, to the deep, clear water.
    “Seems like a long wait between set waves,” Bethany said as they bobbed on their surfboards, looking for a discolored line in the horizon.
    “There it is!” Holly said, gearing up for the approaching wave.
    Digging in with her powerful right arm, Bethany was first out, easily catching the small wave. Then she found herself wobbling a little as she got to her feet and tried to plant her right foot over thetail of the surfboard. The micro-second delay in timing caused her to flounder behind a cascade of white water, and the section of the wave she would have normally conquered broke in front of her.
    Bethany laughed and kicked her board away as she tossed herself backwards into the white water.
    Holly caught the next wave and immediately fumbled at the takeoff point as she tried to get her footing. The nose of the board dug under the water and flipped her headfirst off the board. Bethany could hear Holly laughing as she paddled towards her at the lineup.
    “I couldn’t even make the section!” Bethany grinned as she swiped her hair out of her eyes.
    “I pearled up to my neck and went over the falls!” Holly laughed breathlessly. “It’s a good thing we’re leaving for Mexico soon, so I can hide out there with my

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