Submission Revealed

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Book: Submission Revealed by Diana Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Hunter
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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her hands and knees, she was careful not to jiggle the bed too much and wake up her lover and Master.
    There was enough play in the shoelace to allow her minimum movement. By throwing her hip out to the side, she could move her knee forward an inch or so, then do the same with the other. She must make quite a sight, she realized, squirming her way across the room like an oversized worm. All the same, it didn’t take as long to reach the bathroom as she thought it would.
    Getting onto the toilet seat proved interesting. Using the sink to balance herself, she got up onto her knees and then hopped up onto her feet with a fairly loud thud. Thankfully the toilet wasn’t more than a small hop away.
    Phillip’s head poked around the corner. “What are you doing?”
    Sarah’s heart jumped as it did every time he walked into a room. She stated the obvious answer to his question. “Um…using the facilities?”
    He came into the bathroom, not a stitch of clothing on. “Why didn’t you untie your ankles first? You could have fallen.”
    “No, I couldn’t. I crawled in here, then only needed one short hop to get to the toilet. I was fine.”
    “You didn’t answer my question.” Phillip stooped down in front of her, grabbing the end of the tie and pulling it loose.
    “Why didn’t I untie myself? Why should I? I figured you wanted me tied, so I just went with it. I’d never undo something you did unless it was an emergency or some such.” She gestured to the bathroom. “I needed to go but I managed just fine.”
    Phillip grinned and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I thought I undid all your bindings last night but must’ve missed this one when I carried you in to bed. I’m afraid this was an unintentional tie-up.” He stood and walked to the door, the shoelace dangling in his fingers. “Finish up, then my turn.”
    As she later sat on the bed waiting for Phillip to finish his shower, she jingled the locks on her cuffs, idly playing with them as she thought about what he’d said. That the shoelace was just a leftover from the night before. She didn’t even remember him tying them together but that didn’t matter. Phillip sounded as if he wouldn’t have cared if she had undone the lace and left it undone. But she couldn’t do that. Didn’t he understand that?
    Phillip reappeared in the bedroom doorway, toweling his hair. Sarah loved to look at him. Strong shoulders that carried her when she was too exhausted to move, tapered down to a firm, flat stomach. Since he used his towel on his hair, she had a great view below his waist. Even though his cock wasn’t active right now, she still loved the sight of it, nestled in its thatch of dark hair. She knew how long it would grow and how the tip could turn a beautiful shade of red-purple when he was close to bursting. She loved the feel of it growing in her hand, the veins rising as she excited him. A wicked little grin raised the sides of her mouth.
    “Oh, no, you little minx. Not this morning.” Phillip laughed as he turned away from her, rummaging in his drawers for his clothes. “We have errands to run today. Or did you forget we have a few wedding appointments to keep?”
    Sarah glanced in panic at the clock. He was right. They had plenty of time but not if they dawdled for sex. “All right.” She knew disappointment colored her words but grinned to let him know she didn’t really mind. “I need to get into the shower, though.”
    Holding her hands up to him, she waited as he retrieved the keys and removed the cuffs from her wrists and ankles. Obediently, she held up her hair while he also removed the heavy collar they used for play.
    “Off to shower, then, minx.” Phillip glanced at the clock. “I’ll take you out for breakfast after we meet with the jeweler.”
    “Sounds good!” Sarah bounced across the room, pausing for one last glance before she shut the door on the sight of his naked ass just being covered with dark slacks.
    Phillip laid out

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