Suddenly Sexy
Derek seemed his usual forbidding,
older-brother self.

But it was Jesse's presence that was huge and overpowering. "If he is
my son, why have you waited
this long to tell me?"

Belinda fidgeted. "After you left for college and never wrote or
called," she explained, "I got married.
I didn't want to rock the boat. But Harlan left me six months ago, and
as long as you're back in town,
I figured what the heck. I thought it was time you knew. You have a

The alarm on Jesse's face couldn't be anything but genuine.

"That's impossible," he said. "I'm always careful. When we—" He cut
himself off, then looked around them. "When we were together," he
rephrased, "I used protection. I always do."

Belinda whipped out some kind of medical document that showed the boy's
blood type.

"If you don't believe me, do as many tests as you want," she
challenged. "But all you have to do is look
at him to know he's yours."

Suzanne sighed. "This is about money, isn't it?"

The woman's eyes narrowed. "So what if I came here for money? I need a
job, a good job, and I've got
a chance to make something of myself in Vegas. But it takes cash to get
out there to start a new life."

"Good Lord, Jesse," Derek stated, looking tired and far older than his
thirty-nine years.

Jesse and Derek stared at each other, tension sliding between them. How
many times had Kate seen
them this same way? Two brothers who were so different, one
conservative, one wild. For as long as
she could remember, their relationship had been strained. But Kate had
seen the deep love that served as a sort of glue that kept them from
severing their relationship completely. They existed in a place of love
and frustration, yearning to be close but the differences in each
other's personality and lifestyle making it hard. Judgment and
impatience competing with the need to accept, underlined by a true
caring that even their differences couldn't completely erase. The
unexpected appearance of an illegitimate son didn't help the situation.

At length, Derek exhaled sharply, then became the practical,
responsible man he was. "Jesse will not be blackmailed."

"Derek, I can take care of this," Jesse stated tightly.

"Can you?"

A spark of always suppressed fury flared—a fury that Kate had never
entirely understood. She
wondered, not for the first time, what had caused the rift between them.

With effort, Jesse turned away, focusing on Belinda. "Let me see the

Belinda handed it over, along with an entire file. He glanced through
it with quick competence, then he gestured for them to sit down.
Suzanne started toward the table.

"Suzanne, not now." He looked at his brother. "I can deal with this
from here."

Suzanne started to say something, but Derek stopped her. "Come on,
love. He's right." He looked back
at Jesse, his expression undecipherable. "If you need anything, you
know where to find me."

The brothers stared at each other, then Jesse nodded. "Thanks."

Kate started to leave as well. But Jesse surprised her when he caught
her hand. For a second he just
stood there, then he looked out the window toward the pool. She could
see Travis lying like a rag doll
on a wooden chaise lounge, one booted foot on the ground, the other
hiked up on slats. Discarded. Forgotten.

Jesse's tension was palpable before he turned his attention to the
folder and began to go through the papers in earnest.

Birth records, blood reports. Report cards and baby pictures. Belinda
started explaining them all, pointing out the unmistakable resemblances
between the boy and Jesse.

Finally, he sat down and dropped his head in his hands. When he
straightened, his gaze was drawn back to the window as if he was trying
to understand something. "How long do you think it will take to find a

Belinda seemed caught off guard by the question, as if she had been
prepared for more of a fight. "Well, ah..." She toyed nervously with
her hair. "I'm thinking a month, max. A girlfriend of mine works at

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