Suite 606

Suite 606 by J. D. Robb Page B

Book: Suite 606 by J. D. Robb Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. D. Robb
Tags: Fiction, Mystery, Library
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up. Go over and check Ava’s apartment. Have EDD pick up her electronics. I’ll meet you back at Central when we’re done here.”
    “Okay. You know, Dallas, we’re both going to need sleep at some point.”
    “We’ll get to that. Tell them to get someone else in here.”
    At least one of the killers was here, Eve thought. She was sure of it. The vic hadn’t been in the city two full years, and from what Eve had learned, most of her time and energy and interest funnelled into her work. These were her contacts, her people.
    Pike, brand-spanking-new.
    It was possible they’d run afoul of someone at Ava’s apartment—and Peabody would ferret that out, if so. But logic said both Ava and Jack had known at least one of her killers well enough to trust.
    And what easier place was there to drug someone than in a health center? The place was full of drugs—and people who, in Eve’s opinion, just loved sticking them into other people. Subdue them here, she speculated, give them enough happy juice to make them compliant and transport them to the hotel, where one or more partners has already dealt with Mika and Trosky.
    Get them upstairs, she imagined, and let the party begin. Had to be early. The whole thing had been done by twenty-three hundred, latest. It took time to eat, drink, orgy, and perform a human sacrifice.
    She glanced up as the door opened. The man who hurried in was about five-ten and carrying a good five excess pounds in the belly. His round face held a pleasant if harried smile. Eyes of faded green radiated both fatigue and kindness. He scooped his hand through his short tangle of brown hair.
    “I’m so sorry to keep you waiting. We’re . . . well, we’re short-staffed today, as you know. We didn’t have enough time to notify all the staff, the patients, and close today.” He sat, wearily. “I think we’re all running on sheer nerves. Sorry, I’m Dr. Collins, Larry Collins.”
    “Lieutenant Dallas. I’m sorry for your loss.”
    “It’s incomprehensible. At least a half dozen times today I’ve started to ask Ava for something. In the six months or so since she’s been here, she’s become the hub of the practice.”
    “You’re aware she was planning to see Dr. Pike last night, socially.”
    “Yes. We were all invested, a bunch of matchmakers.” His lips compressed on the term. “And now . . . Jack couldn’t have hurt her, Lieutenant. It’s just not possible.”
    “What time did she leave yesterday?”
    “Ah, let me think. I believe she was still here when I left, and that would have been close to five. Yes, yes, because I said good night to her and—” He broke off, looked away, struggled for composure. “—and good luck.”
    “Where did you go?”
    “I went home, and had a drink.” He smiled a little. “My last patient of the day was a very, let’s say, active and opinionated five-year-old.”
    “You’re a pediatrician?”
    “That’s right.”
    Eve nodded, watching him. “I have to ask, it’s routine. Is there anyone who can verify your whereabouts from five P.M. to midnight?”
    “My wife. She fixed me the drink, bless her. We had a quiet evening at home as the kids were spending the night with friends.”
    “All right. Who was here when you left, other than Ava?”
    “I’m not entirely sure.” He furrowed his brow in thought. “I think Rodney, one of our nurses, and Kiki, a lab tech. I know the waiting room was clear, because I commented on it to Ava. We try to close at five, but realistically it’s nearer to six most days.”
    “Dr. Pike? Was he still here?”
    “I didn’t see him. Of course, he may have been with a patient.”
    “Thanks for your time. I may have some followups later, but for now, that’s it. Would you send either Kiki or Rodney in?”
    “I think Rodney’s on his lunch break, but I’ll see that Kiki’s told you’re waiting.” He rose, walked to the desk where she sat, offered a hand. “Thank you, Lieutenant, for all you’re

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