Summer Fling: Compass Girls, Book 3

Summer Fling: Compass Girls, Book 3 by Mari Carr & Jayne Rylon Page B

Book: Summer Fling: Compass Girls, Book 3 by Mari Carr & Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr & Jayne Rylon
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Fearless was going to be the greatest rodeo bull who’d ever bucked off a cowboy.
    “He’s tough, but it’s too early in the game to tell. We haven’t had a rider on him yet.”
    “Even so,” Jade joined the conversation, “he’s definitely got what it takes. I’ve never seen an animal with a kick like Fearless. It’s incredible.”
    Though he’d claimed the chair next to her at dinner, Jade had made a concerted effort at ignoring him throughout the meal, opting instead to chat with Sterling who was seated on her right.
    This was the first time she’d acknowledged he was even in the room.
    Liam shook his head, amused by her enthusiasm. “Jade. We’ve only had the strap on him. How a bull responds to that isn’t always a good indicator of how he’ll take to a rider.”
    “Fearless is going to be great. Mark my words.”
    Liam didn’t bother to argue because he actually agreed. Jade saw the same things he did. He’d considered trying to drag her away from her job on Compass Ranch more than a few times over the years. Jade was born to work with the cattle. She’d participated in rodeos throughout her childhood and high school and even had an offer to ride with the amateur circuit after graduation, but she’d turned it down.  
    Jade, like him, was a homebody at heart. They’d both flap like fish out of water if someone tried to take them out of Compton Pass.
    Lucy came into the dining room. Silas rose and pulled out a chair for her, while Colby walked toward the kitchen. Her husband gave her a sympathetic smile. “I’ll get your plate, Lu. Jody’s keeping it warm in the oven.”
    Lucy had skipped eating with the family, opting instead to sit next to Vicky’s bed. There were times when Vicky’s memory failed and being surrounded by the large group of relatives left her disoriented, agitated. Vicky Compton was one of the strongest women Liam had ever met. He could only imagine how frustrating it was for her to suddenly struggle to remember the names of her children and grandchildren.
    Lucy smiled when Colby set the plate in front of her. “Vicky is asleep.”
    “She doin’ okay?” Silas asked.
    It was rare to ever see any weakness on Silas’s face, but Liam had glimpsed the sheer desolation in the oldest Compton son’s eyes quite a few times in the past year.
    “She’s fine. Once I got her away from all the noise and hubbub, she settled right down. I read to her until she fell asleep.”
    Sienna toyed with the stem on her wineglass. “I shouldn’t have asked everyone to come here for the wedding meeting. We could have had dinner at my house.”
    Sterling shook her head. “All of us eating in your tiny kitchen? That would have been fun to watch. Don’t do this, See. Vivi was fine this morning and looking forward to the big meal. Sometimes she’s okay in this situation. We just have to play it by ear.”
    Jade had confided in Liam shortly after Vicky’s diagnosis that it was her grandmother’s desire to live out the remainder of her years in an assisted living community rather than at home. So far, the family had managed to convince her to remain on the ranch, each of them taking a turn caring for Vicky. He knew Jade hoped they’d be able to keep Vicky with them forever, but on more than one occasion, her grandmother mentioned moving to the nursing home.
    Each time, Jade would excuse herself, escaping either on her motorcycle or horse—always racing away as fast as her mode of transportation would carry her.
    Liam had vowed that when her grandmother finally disappeared from them forever, either physically or mentally, he would be there for Jade the same way she’d stood by him after his father’s death. When he looked back now, he realized he wouldn’t have made it through the funeral if not for Jade’s constant, comforting presence.
    As various family members started drifting to other parts of the house, Liam decided the time was right for his talk with Jade.  
    Sienna and Daniel

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