Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2)

Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) by Darlene Kuncytes Page A

Book: Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) by Darlene Kuncytes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Kuncytes
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    She felt as if every nerve ending in her body was alive and humming and she couldn’t help the smile that curved her mouth. For the first time in a very, very long time, she felt completely content.
    Cam lifted his head and looked down at her. “You’re smiling,” he observed with a grin of his own.
    She couldn’t stop it from spreading to the point that her face actually ached. It had been so very long since she felt this happy. She nodded against his chest, feeling the heat rush to her cheeks.
    “Jesus, Sweetheart,” he husked, his voice low and honest. “You have no idea what that does to me.”

    Camden took a deep breath as he tried to get a handle on the emotions that were rushing at him like a tidal wave. To see this woman smile…to hear her laugh, made his heart soar. It was as if he had been waiting his entire miserable life for this woman, and just her presence gave him purpose.
    His body suddenly tensed as his alarm bells went off with a mighty screech. Something was very wrong. He felt Victoria stiffen beside him and caught her gaze; knowing without a doubt that she felt it too.
    He put his finger to his lips as he slipped out of bed; grabbing his jeans and silently slipping them on as his eyes held hers. When she moved to follow, he shook his head, only to get a glare and shaking of her head in response.
    She quickly jumped from the bed and grabbed some clothes, stealthily dressing in a moments time. She silently moved over to her suitcase and pulled out several knives, handing one to Cam with a saucy little grin. He could only smile in reply, thinking that he could really love this woman.
    Suddenly, there was a loud boom as the windows shattered and three Were’s came crashing through; the sound almost deafening as the glass exploded and flew around them.
    Camden moved to shove Victoria behind him but once again she shook her head and held fast, standing beside him as she sized up the situation in an instant. He couldn’t help but be damned impressed by her. She was a freaking force of nature and he fully understood what Malcolm had meant when he said that she was one of his best hunters.
    They faced off with the Were’s, their bodies tense and ready as they stood staring at them in silent challenge when the bedroom door imploded with a loud boom and a tall, dangerous looking man walked through as if he owned the place. This time, Cam did push Victoria behind him, shielding her body with his as his entire body vibrated with rage.
    “Barlow,” he growled, his golden eyes glowing with his fury, and he heard Victoria gasp. He knew that she was more than familiar with the name and of the fact that this was the man who had killed her parents, and he wanted nothing more than to end this bastard for her once and for all.
    “My, my, Stark,” Barlow laughed as he leaned against the door frame, his slate grey eyes gleaming with amusement and just the tiniest hint of malice. Camden knew the bastard wasn’t as confident as he was trying to appear. Deep down he was nothing more than a coward.
    He was tall, lanky, and arrogant as all hell, and Cam felt his jaw tighten as he watched the son of a bitch’s eyes drift over Victoria in a way that actually made his skin crawl.
    “I never would have thought that when you were sent out here to watch over our lovely little hybrid here, you would actually bed her so quickly. I mean, I’m more than familiar with how fast you move, Stark. I mean, who are we kidding? Your reputation with the ladies is infamous, but this is certainly quick…even for you. I truly thought that our little hunter would be much more of a challenge for you. She seemed so spirited.”
    Cam felt Victoria stiffen behind him and felt his anger surge through him. Damn it to hell!
    “If you would just be so kind as to hand over the little vixen, we’ll be on our merry way. You’ve had your fun with her. I’m sure you are more than ready to move on by now.”
    “Go straight to

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