Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy)

Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy) by Tanith Morse Page B

Book: Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy) by Tanith Morse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tanith Morse
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that,” Frasier said, “and I’ve got this great theory. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate Lee in the looks department?”
    “Hmm,” I said cautiously. “I don’t know—”
    As my voice trailed off, Frasier broke in: “Come on, Sam. We both know he’s a ten—and Becky? Well, I’d say she’s a six and a half.”
    “So?” I asked.
    “So she’s punching well above her weight class, don’t you see? Lee could have any girl he wants, and Becky’s just not in his league.”
    I laughed out loud. Only Frasier could give a girl such a backhanded compliment and get away with it.
    Frasier smiled guiltily. “Come on! You know what I mean. I think I have as good a chance as anyone, especially if I can stop her from making a fool of herself with Lee.”
    “What makes you think she’s fooling herself?” I asked, wondering why I was sticking up for Becky all of a sudden. “They seemed pretty cozy at the bowling alley the other day.”
    Frasier shot me a disdainful look. “Did they really? That wasn’t the impression I got—and besides, I can tell that Lee likes you .”
    “Excuse me?” I said, my heart suddenly skipping a beat.
    “Don’t play Little Miss Innocent with me,” Frasier said, stifling his own smirk. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
    “What makes you think he likes me?”
    “I don’t know. Call it a guy thing. I can see the way he looks at you, and I can tell that he definitely prefers you to Becky.”
    Startled, I fiddled with my bag straps and said self-consciously, “I—I don’t think so.”
    “And you like him too, don’t you, Sam?” Frasier said, his eyes on me. “Don’t lie. I can see it in your face. So what’s the big deal? Lee’s a good-looking guy.”
    I decided to change the subject. “So, when are you planning to ask Becky out?”
    “Tomorrow night, at Taffin Carter’s birthday party,” Frasier said. “You are going to that, right? Please say you are, because I may need some moral support.”
    I’d vaguely heard someone in my photography class mention a party, but I didn’t even know who Taffin Carter was, so I hadn’t considered going.
    “Actually, I probably won’t,” I said. “Parties and me don’t mix, as a rule.”
    Frasier rolled his eyes. “Oh, give me a break, Sam. It’ll be a good way to meet people.”
    “Who says I want to meet people? I think partying is grossly overrated. All you end up with is a bucketful of regrets and a hangover.”
    He laughed. “Are you sure you’re seventeen and not seventy? I’ve never heard such cynicism in anybody so young.”
    “I just don’t think socializing’s that important.”
    Coyly, Frasier added, “Oh, and Lee’s going to be there. Becky invited him.”
    “Has she really?” I sighed. “Now there’s a surprise.”
    I was sick of people going on and on about Lee and Becky. Since the bowling trip, that was all everyone ever seemed to talk about. It was stomach-turning.
    “Okay,” Frasier said, “but even if you don’t come, could you at least do me a favor?”
    “That depends.”
    “Go shopping with me and help me find something to wear. I need some female input on how to make the girls go wild.”
    I laughed again. “Frasier, you look great, just like you are. I love your quirky style. Don’t let anyone ever change you.” Then I looked at him and added, “The only thing you might want to do is get a haircut.”
    He touched his head self-consciously. “Really?”
    “Oh, nothing drastic—just a trim. In fact, if you want, I could do it for you.”
    “You know how to cut hair?” he asked in surprise.
    “Yeah,” I said, though it was only partly true.
    I’d really only cut my dad’s hair once, but I’d been dying for another opportunity to test my skills. “If you want, you came come to my place after school and I’ll do it for you—no charge.”
    “Okay, great!” Frasier said excitedly. “And maybe while you’re doing that I can get you to change your

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