Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins

Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins by Audra Allensworth Page A

Book: Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins by Audra Allensworth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Allensworth
Tags: Zombies
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room slamming the door.
    She would never come back out of the room. Before she died the first time she had made Colt tie her to the bed, he had made several jokes before he gave up trying to make her laugh and just did it. The rest of the world ceased to exist for him and no one bothered to come check on him, one by one all the neighbors could be seen wander ing the street as the monsters.
    Colt’s memory faded as he saw Lucite come into view, there were cars filling the parking lot but there were just as many monsters walking around. He glanced at his gas gauge, it was at a quarter of a tank, he looked back to the cars but he didn’t dare risk it. He was hoping to find a gas station to fill up but he had been so lost in his thoughts that if he had passed one he hadn’t seen it. He knew he had to keep his thoughts on getting somewhere safe but where that was, wasn’t exactly known just yet.
    As he swerved in and out of the monsters on the street he wondered if it was more humane just to run over them. Colt watched as the factory faded in his rear view mirror and wondered if his lack of attention would force him to wa lk in the next couple of hours.

Chapter 5 - Beth:
    Looking up at the clock it read 7:49 a.m. Beth thought it was closer to noon, that clock was slowly beginning to slow down and the batteries would be wearing down soon. The shadows that shown on the walls were now gone because the sun had apparently been hidden by the clouds from the up and coming thunder storm. Thunder could be heard off in the distance and a few monsters where roaming the streets looking for some unsuspecting meal.
    Sitting in the corner of her room Beth looked over and saw the remains of her sister Mary along with her Mother and Father. Still in shock from what had taken place the night before Beth couldn’t even begin to get a grasp on reality. She thought that the government had some control on the situation before it all went bad but quite honestly there was never time to get control because whe n ‘ IT ’ got out the government had lost control and she damn well knew it. They probably knew it too , but they chose not to let the public know claiming it would cause mass hysteria.
    Working for the government Beth knew that they were pretty well fucked when the so called, ‘ Leader of the free world ’ cut his government spend ing to make the people believe his so called promises for his up and coming reelection campaign. T hose that Beth worked with in her HAS-MAT department knew that the world as it stood was pretty well fucked.
    On the day that it all went to hell ; Beth had the day off and was sitting in her home in Paducah, Kentucky when she had received a text message from her co-worker and best friend Chad Evert. “It’s over…. Get out and save yourself ; it’s too late for us!”
    Several attempts to try to reach Chad along with a few hundred tries at his cell never were reached. Quickly Beth grabbed her emergency evac luggage and headed out to her car . Here still seemed outside was normal as usual but she knew that it was only a matter of time.
    She had to get to her family that lived in southern Illinois and hopefully get them under her care. Beth hoped that she would find them safe and sound but later she would find out differently. Never once did Beth run into any traffic until she was an hour into Arkansas. Several people were flying past her like she was standing still and a few head on collisions could be seen when she looked up into her rear view mirror. “The word must of gotten out and if so how f ast is this spreading?” were the only words that she uttered as she slowly accelerated down the freeway.
    One by one she drove past each car as if she was on her own mission. All she wanted to do was get to her family and get to them fast! Mary, whom was her big sister, had all sorts of health issues. The diabetes that she had, finally had taken its toll and sadly she had lost her ability to drive. Her vision

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