Sweet Danger
clouded like it’s never been used. I snatch it up with my free hand and slide my thumb out enough to drizzle a stream of oil between your cheeks. Rubbing it in, I slide my thumb into you more easily, then add more oil.
    “Wh—what are you doing?” you ask between moans.
    “I’m fucking you in the ass,” I say, easing my cock out of your pussy and moving it up to the tight bud of your rear opening.
    “G—Greek’s—” you gasp, unable to finish the sentence as I nuzzle my cockhead against the entrance to your ass. “Greek’s—um—Greek costs—” You grope after the words, like you’re desperately trying to think of an appropriate price, but you can’t find one—and I know you’ve never done it before. I push my cockhead into your ass, and it feels tighter than anything I’ve ever fucked. I go slow at first, listening to your little squeals as you feel your ass acclimating to the bulk of my cock. Slowly you relax and I slide my cock deeper, until you’re wriggling against the table, fully impaled on my cock. And moaning.
    I lean forward hard against your body, forcing your hips down and your legs wide. I start to fuck your ass and I feel the tickle of your fingers against my balls. I realize you’ve slipped your hands between your legs and you’re urgently rubbing your clit. Your moans rise in volume as I pound into your asshole. Within minutes I feel you thrashing against me, your hand quickening. I take over, reaching under you and pushing my hand over yours, forcing you to rub your clit harder as I drive into your ass with new fury. When you come, your ass clenches so tight it almost forces me out, and I have to fuck you harder, almost violently shoving it into your ass to keep it sliding in as you come in great shuddering spasms. Then I come, too, as your climax intensifies and you start to lose it, shaking back and forth under me, lifting your ass to take deeper thrusts as I shoot my come deep inside you. When I’m finished, you lie there, panting with exhaustion.
    I stretch and slide out of your ass, climbing off the table. I leave you there, ass upturned and opened wide, as I get dressed. You moan softly, eyes wide, staring at me but unseeing. Your hand is still pressed against your clit.
    Before I leave, I take out my wallet and count out four bills.
    “Four hundred dollars,” I say, and leave it on the table. “Thanks for the massage.”
    I leave the room without kissing you good-bye.
    Outside, I pass another couple and wink at them under the big sign that says NO SEXUAL ACTIVITY . The woman smiles at me; the guy looks away.
    As I walk down the long line of doors, I can hear the occasional moan in the rooms beyond. I know this place is a poorly-kept call girl’s secret; more outcalls happen here than in any hotel in town, if only because they rent by the hour and they don’t offer full-body massages—thus eliminating the chance of unexpected competition after the fact.
    That’s why you and I picked this place; a friend of ours who works as an escort tipped us off that it’s a place where you can make as much noise as you want—and no one will bother you. But today I think you pushed your luck on even that rule, with your screaming climax as I fucked your ass. Normally it wouldn’t matter, except I think we’ll be coming back here a lot.
    I leave a twenty for the towel girl and wait for you in the lobby. When you come out, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, you have that nervous glow about you that says, “I just got laid.” I wonder if I have the same look.
    You smile at me and we head for the car.

In the Back of Raquel
    P. S. HAVEN
    It was after midnight when I arrived. I checked the name Trinh had scrawled on the napkin against the sign on the façade and then parked Raquel under a streetlight and joined the steady stream disappearing into the club. The music was loud and hypnotic, and I had to ask twice of the girl behind the ticket counter what the cover

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