Sweet Escapes: Romance Story Boxed Set
Victoria. " You did this?  How could you?"
    At Seamus's harsh words, Victoria buried her face further in her hands and sobbed even louder.
    "Do you realize what you have done?  Our company will be ruined once this gets out and you, Victoria, will not be the only one to suffer the consequences.  I'm afraid we both will."
    Seamus pulled out his cell phone. 
    "You're not going to call the police on me, are you?" Victoria pleaded. But the blare of sirens getting closer could already be heard through the open door.
    "It sounds like they are already on their way. Someone must have called when they heard the shot. I'm calling Simon Chase, our corporate lawyer. He'll be able to find someone to help you avoid seeing the inside of a jail cell. Although I should send you to jail after what you have done. But I won't, as long as you do things my way from now on. That means focusing your efforts towards righting the wrongs you have done so that we can save what's left of our company."
    Victoria nodded her head enthusiastically, "I'll do whatever you say, Seamus."
    Ayla felt her brows knit together. It seemed like Victoria was getting off awfully easy considering what she had done but her doubts faded when she saw the worried glance Seamus gave her.
    "Are you ok?"
    Ayla nodded. She didn't trust herself to speak. Seamus came to her side and gently took her into his arms. He lifted her chin, brushing her forehead with his lips.
    "I don't know if you can ever forgive me, but I promise I will do whatever it takes to make this right."

Chapter Eight
    "Daddy, over here!" Ayla waved at her father from across the crowded restaurant.
    Augustus Henderson sat down next to his daughter and gave her a peck on the cheek. He reached his hand across the table to meet Seamus's.
    "Seamus, good to see you as always."
    "Same here, Auggie."
    It had been four months since she had uncovered the truth about the GreenGas project at McDonough International and her father was back to his old, happy self.
    Despite what had happened, the two men had become fast friends over the past four months. Seamus had made good on his vow to make restitution for the technologies Victoria had stolen, and he had instituted Ayla's father as Vice President of the GreenGas division, giving him full reign over the direction and production of the product.
    This included a hefty salary and all the funds her father could ever need to develop new products. Ayla was delighted with Seamus's generosity and how things had turned out because her father might never have had the opportunity if he had attempted to bring the product to market on his own. Instead of being angry and bitter over the theft, Ayla had been happy to see her father put it all behind him and take up the reigns of the division with his old enthusiasm and ambition.
    Much to Ayla's surprise, her father had even taken a shine to Victoria, who was quickly approaching their table. Augustus stood and pulled the chair out for her.
    "Hello everyone." She smiled cheerfully.
    Ayla studied the other woman from across the table. Four months ago she would have recoiled at even being in the same room with her, but to be honest, Victoria had stepped up to the plate and worked tirelessly to repair the damage she had done. She seemed truly remorseful and on a more positive path now.
    It was still too early to say if she would ever go as far as to be friends with Victoria, but at least now she didn't mind being in the same room with her ... or even at the same dinner table, which was very important ... especially now.
    A waiter started over to the table, but Seamus waved him away. He cleared his throat and Augustus and Victoria looked up from their menus quizzically.
    "I didn't invite you here just to have dinner," he explained.
    "Ayla and I... we have an announcement." He pulled Ayla's left hand up from the table and the huge diamond ring she wore sparkled in the light. "We're getting married." Seamus grinned with pride.

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