Outlet with supplies for the reception that
would be hosted at Amanda's house the next day, after Parker's memorial service.
Karina shrugged, “I
disagree, Lauren. He was young when he took off. He was under 25 at the time.”
Lauren looked at Karina like
she had a few screws loose. “And what exactly does being under 25 have to do
with it?”
“You know! He had Under 25
Lauren smirked, “Under 25
Disease? While I suspect that the American Medical Association has yet to
define that as a legitimate disorder, please, share with us the symptoms.”
Karina smiled, “Oh, man,
before you turn 25 you do all the stupid things in relationships! Under 25 is
when you believe your boyfriend when he says he was 'just hanging out' with his
ex until three in the morning. It's when you give him the last two grand in
your bank account 'just till next Thursday.' It's when you let him crash on
your couch for two days that turns into two months, et cetera, et cetera, et
“And it's not just about
what you let the other person get away with, either, it's about the horrible
shit you do in relationships, as well. Under 25 is when you'll go to the movies
by yourself and then lie about where you were just to see if he can tell when
you're lying. It's when you honestly think that sexy flirtation you have going
on with your coworker is totally harmless, and yes, it's when you run away from
things when they get too intense rather than running toward them. You learn
from all that terrible stuff, and you grow up! Usually around age 25, I've
found. Thus the name of the disease.”
Samantha grimace, “I know
people way past 25 who are still doing all of those things, if not even dumber
“Exactly!” Lauren chimed in.
Karina waved this off as
insignificant, “Well, yes obviously, it's a disease , not everyone is
going to recover from it! But my point is, I think you owe it to Justin to at
least see if he has. I like the guy.”
Amanda smiled, “You and he
always had a good rapport.”
“Exactly!” Karina affirmed,
“Because I have excellent taste, and so does he, obviously. He likes me, he
loves you...it's pretty much official. Impeccable taste.”
Amanda laughed, “He doesn't
love me, Kar! That's ridiculous!”
Karina shook her head,
“That's not what his smoldering looks were telling me yesterday.”
“What were they telling
you?” Amanda smiled.
Karina considered, “Well, I
think they were saying something along the lines of...'Amanda....I want you,
Amanda...I want to jump you...right now, in the middle of the will reading...”
Lauren smacked Karina in the
shoulder, “That's just crude, Karina!”
Samantha laughed, “You guys!
You act like it's up to you to decide whether Amanda still has feelings for
Justin or not! It's Amanda's heart! It's up to her!”
All three of the women
looked at Amanda expectantly. Amanda put her palm to her forehead and shook her
head back and forth.
“Honestly, you all, I don't
know what to feel. Yes, Karina, I see your point. We were both so young then. I
know I'm such a different person now, I can only imagine that he is, as well.
“But, Lauren, I definitely
see the wisdom of your point of view, as well. How could I ever trust someone
who I know has it in them to just disappear one morning? That's terrifying!”
They moved slowly down the
rest of the aisle they were in, each lost in their own thoughts, silently
collecting items from the shelves and putting them into the baskets, marking
them solemnly off the list. Suddenly the sound of Amanda's laughter broke into
their individual reveries, and the other three turned to look at her.
“Oh, man, you guys, I just
realized the sheer ridiculousness of this conversation. We're chattering back
and forth like seventh graders. 'Do you like him, like him? Do you think he
likes you, likes you back?' And the truth is, I'm in a relationship! I have a
boyfriend! It's silly to even be going down this
Dan Barber
Everet Martins
Department of the Army
Samantha Chase
Penelope Ward
Jack McDevitt
Colin Kapp
Alanna Knight
Cate Price
G.K. Chesterton