Swift (Strangetown Magic Book 1)

Swift (Strangetown Magic Book 1) by Al K. Line Page B

Book: Swift (Strangetown Magic Book 1) by Al K. Line Read Free Book Online
Authors: Al K. Line
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on purpose, just so I'd get an eyeful.
    "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, but do you have a minute?"
    "For you, always." Faith set aside her things and came to gave me a kiss. It was warm, wet, and tasted of vine.
    "You been eating the produce again?"
    "Just to check they will be nice. It's too early for most of them but I'm trying out this new strain and they're... Sorry, I'll ramble for hours about tomatoes if you let me and I can see you're busy. Tough job?"
    "The worst."
    "You want a hug?"
    "Keep your hands to yourself, missy."
    "Haha, just thought I'd check. Okay, what can I do you for?"
    "You know Pumi-Sopa Fialkowski, right?"
    "Doesn't everyone? God, he's got a body on him. Like they made a man then stuffed him full of men then put a few extra muscles on him just in case he wasn't manly enough already."
    "Whatever. I need to find him."
    "For work?"
    "Afraid so. Where does he hang out? He come around much?"
    "Not as much as I'd like. We get on but a lot of folks won't accept him because of what he is."
    "I know, and that sucks, but I still need to find him."
    "He comes now and then, I give him some of the produce, and he does like his meat, but haven't seen him for a while. Hmm, probably weeks and weeks come to think about it."
    "Any ideas where he hangs, or people he is pally with?"
    "Not really. You could try the camps. He does a lot of work there lately."
    "The camps? The Rift camps?" Now this was interesting. "What's he doing there?"
    "Helping. He's a good guy, Swift. Genuine. He's been helping some of them come to terms with things. It's a major shock to a lot of them and they aren't coping very well."
    "He doesn't seem the type."
    "That's what most people think, but only because they don't get to know him. Beneath all that macho crap he's a real baby, soft as these." Faith wiggled and her boobs wobbled like they were going to pounce. Visions of her morphing into a sleek, striped cat, purring softly crowded my mind and I had to stop my hands from moving. They seemed to have made a decision I was unaware of.
    "Okay, thanks. I'm outta here."
    "What, no goodbye kiss?" Faith puckered up and I pecked her quickly then slapped her bum before making a quick exit.
    Time to go to the camps, although I could think of better places to be, like, absolutely anywhere else.

    Camp Stress
    Why would Pumi go out of his way to help those in need? Was it a ploy to get access to the defenseless, or was what Faith had said true?
    This guy was seriously full of contradictions. The problem was I trusted Faith implicitly, and her word has always been good. She is the genuine article. Kind, considerate, emotional. A maker, not a destroyer, and if she was friends with someone then you could bet they were decent. She also had a habit of befriending the waifs and strays, the damaged and the needy. All good, but it clouded her vision, making her caring and generous with her emotions, all things I struggle with.
    So what was the truth? Only one way to find out.
    I regretted it as soon as I got to the camps. This was a shanty town in full effect. Teeming with the confused, the dazed, the hopeful and the utterly lost. Many Strange that came through the Rift were at a loss as to what to do, so they built their own homes of a sort on the outskirts of the city based around some of the industrial areas that were abandoned soon after their arrival.
    The warehouses and the massive hangars were perfect for those that couldn't find anywhere in the city to get a roof over their head because of their size, and they also allowed the various groups to meet and talk, lament their lost homes, and generally mope about waiting for things to miraculously get better.
    It was like the camp at the middle of the city but with bells on. It was well away from the epicenter of the Rift as few could stand to be in such a place. The magic was too strong, too warped; it did funny things to your head. Humans felt it as an irritation at the back of their mind, our

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