TAGGED: THE APOCALYPSE by Joseph M Chiron Page B

Book: TAGGED: THE APOCALYPSE by Joseph M Chiron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph M Chiron
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as free advertising before the trouble began. Most importantly, there were obviously no bites, scratches, or lesions on her perfect skin.
    “For goodness sake…” Susan’s hand went involuntarily to cover her mouth. The guard closest to the door lowered his weapon slightly and smiled to the other guard.
    Candy nodded to Jackie and Sven, who also stripped off their clothes. They stripped off everything down to their boots, same as Candy. Jackie was a mountain of a man. His dark skin was heavily muscled with a large belly. Bristles of grey and black hair stuck out of the most unlikely places; his neck; his shoulders; and even his ears. His back was a bearskin rug. He had surprisingly small hands and feet. Even naked, he was menacing. Sven was over six feet tall and too thin; concentration camp thin. His large head and even larger mane of wheat-colored Rasta dreadlocks made his body appear even thinner. His hands and feet, like his head, appeared too large for his body, but that was not the part of his anatomy that caught Eve’s eye.
    Eve gasped and put her hands to her face, attempting to cover her eyes.
    “For the love of…what the hell is the matter with you people!” Susan ranted, grabbed her daughter Eve and pulled her out of the room. Eve was blushing furiously, but couldn’t tear her eyes off of Sven. Sven smiled calmly and blew her a kiss. It’s on , Sven thought, watching Eve fluster and blush, yeah, it’s on like Donkey Kong .
    The guards looked confused. Brit shrugged and grinned shyly in Sven’s direction. Dennis laughed and shook his head. “We are not infected ,” Candy said again, placing her hands on her hips and thrusting them forward aggressively.
    “I’ll talk to my wife…I’ll reason with her ,” Kirk said, and walked out. The guards, Brit and Dennis followed.
    “Put everyone we need inside the new fence outside the gate.” Jackie shuffled them immediately into a huddle with their pants still around their ankles. “Make sure there are no infected inside the new fence. Tell them to check everyone. We wait for nightfall.”

CHAPTER 7: October 15, 6 p.m.
    Jackie pounded on the locked door to the control tower. On the other side of that door were several armed guards, Kirk, Susan, Eve, Brit and Dennis. Sven had tried desperately to get Eve away from Susan and the others, but Susan was like a bear with her cub and wouldn’t let Eve out of her sight. Sven shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. And Sven was still completely stopped up down there. He needed some Milk of Magnesia - that would do the trick, but getting to the pharmacy could present a small problem. The engineers had armed themselves at the guardhouse after the confrontation by Susan with the newcomers earlier, although it was unlikely that any of them had ever fired a weapon. “Lay your weapons down and come out with your hands up. We’re not going to hurt you.” Behind Jackie were Sven and three other men, plus Candy holding Dixon on a leash; or perhaps Dixon was controlling Candy with the leash. All were heavily armed with assault rifles, hand guns and extra ammo, thanks to the end–of-the-world NRA gun nut at the gate who had been preparing for this moment his entire life. His name was Jeb, and he was the first one admitted through the new fence.
    Jeb led the assault on the guards posted outside the door with his son Tiny, a giant of a man. The guards were disarmed without a struggle when they saw how well armed were Jackie and his men. Even so, Sven was going to keep a close eye on Jeb and his sons. Jeb wasn’t part of his crew, and he wasn’t sure he could trust him, yet.
    “ We saw you shoot the guards,” Susan’s voice was shrill.
    “Is there another exit?” Jackie whispered.
    “Covered ; my boys are on it. They’re trapped.” Jeb grinned like a crocodile missing a few teeth.
    “That was an accident.” Jackie’s booming voice easily carried through the thick metal door. “They shot at my

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