Taking Chances

Taking Chances by Deanna Frances Page A

Book: Taking Chances by Deanna Frances Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deanna Frances
Tags: Fiction, Young Adult
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    “So, what’s your favorite sport?” Spencer chuckled as we asked questions back and forth over dinner.
    “Probably soccer.”
    “Okay, favorite food?”
    I thought for a moment. “Cheese ravioli and garlic bread.”
    “Italian, nice.”
    “What’s yours?” I asked.
    I laughed. “Is that really even a food?”
    “I don’t know.” He shrugged, grinning widely. “It’s the first thing that came into my head.”
    Spencer drove me home in my car. He took one look at my gas gauge and pulled into a gas station. He insisted on paying to fill up my gas tank. I told him my parents had left early that morning for work, and I had forgotten to ask them for gas money. I told him not to, but he was very stubborn.
    We glided down the empty roads in the darkness, singing along to Michael Buble CDs.
    “Can I ask you something?” Spencer said after a deep silence.
    “Are you happy here in Shabbona?”
    “Yes. Why?”
    “You look so sad. Every day when you get to school, you have this sad look on your face. It makes me worried. Is something wrong?” he sighed. “I want to make you happy, Sydney.” He didn’t look at me; he looked straight out the windshield, into the black night. There were many things I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him that he was the best boyfriend a girl could ever want. I wanted to tell him that the reason I was so sad every morning was because of my parents. I was ready to trust him with my secret; I was finally going to have a chance to do what I wanted to do. But I would have to wait.

Chapter 6
    My eyes opened to see a bright, white, ceiling. I tried to lift myself up to see where I was, but something stopped me. I looked over and caught a glimpse of IV needles in my arm. Off to my left, Matt and Spencer stood arguing.
    “What did you do ?” Matt asked Spencer as he saw me. I’d barely opened my eyes, so he probably didn’t know I was awake.
    “I didn’t do anything! Some drunk driver did it! How much do you want to bet it was you?” Spencer asked harshly.
    “I wasn’t drunk last night, Stevenson, so it couldn’t have been me. If you’d been more careful, none of this would have happened. Some boyfriend you are.... “
    “It’s not my fault! Why are you even here?!”
    I was about to stop them, but they continued as if I wasn’t there.
    “Because I’m her friend! We’ve been friends longer than you two have.”
    “Whatever Matt, think how you want. I don’t care about you.”
    I sighed and put my head back on the pillow, closing my eyes.
    “What’s wrong with her?” he asked Spencer.
    “She hasn’t woken up yet, Matt. What do you think is wrong? Just leave, Matt.”
    “No, she’s my friend. I have a right to be here. Just because Belle—”
    “Just shut up, Matt,” Spencer said angrily.
    I’d had enough of this. I opened my eyes and looked at them. “Hello,” I said. “I’m right here.”
    Spencer looked at me with bright eyes, came over to me, and took my hand.
    He had a huge gash across his forehead covered by red stitches. Bruises covered his neck and arms. I looked at my own body. I was in a hospital gown with a white blanket over me. I must be worse than Spencer; but I don’t feel any pain. I looked up again to see him looking at me, his expression filled with relief.
    “You’re okay,” he sighed.
    I still wasn’t sure what had happened to us. Why were we in a hospital? The last thing I remember was that I was about to tell Spencer the truth about Michael and Maddie, and then everything went black. The gash on Spencer’s forehead looked pretty deep, but it didn’t seem to be bothering him.
    “You are okay, aren’t you?”he asked me.
    I threw my arms lightly around his neck and pulled his face to mine. He kissed me as softly as possible, like he had at the movie the week before during our first kiss. I let go of him when I had to catch my breath.
    “What happened?” I

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