Tales of the Forbidden

Tales of the Forbidden by Jaden Sinclair Page A

Book: Tales of the Forbidden by Jaden Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaden Sinclair
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance
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larger and pulsed inside of her.
    Devon laid his forehead on her back while his cock exploded hot and heavy inside of her. “Want to say you faked it again?” he asked, breathing roughly. “God, I have never had so little control before, or felt this kind of need to have more.”

    * * * *
    Kera was also breathing in heavy gasps, unable to say a word. Her eyes were still closed as she waited for him to untie her. A thought crossed her mind of turning the tables on him one day, but she pushed it aside. Thinking like that meant she was planning to stay with him, which she was not. She wasn’t. His arms wrapped around her waist and held her after he released her wrists.
    “The thought of moving is hard,” he stated. “I want to stay inside you forever.” He chuckled when he heard her stomach rumble again. “Go take a bath.”
    Her legs were like rubber when she tried to stand up. Only with his help was she able to walk into the bathroom, naked of course. She drew a hot bath and sank into it gratefully. The water felt good on her sore flesh, and before she knew it she was relaxing, eyes closed in pleasure. She didn’t get to experience the luxury of soaking at home and wasn’t at the Compound long enough for one either.
    “Now that is a sight I can definitely get used to seeing.”
    Kera jumped and quickly sat up in the tub, covering her breasts. “What are you doing?”
    Devon dropped his robe and walked up to the tub. Kera felt as if she was going to pass out and she didn’t know if it was excitement from looking at his body or the hunger she felt and saw reflected in his eyes. He stood before her in all his strong, naked glory, letting Kera examine his body before he stepped into the hot water.
    Kera gasped when Devon took hold of her legs behind her knees and pulled her to him, sitting her on his lap facing him. His arms wrapped tightly around her body as his hands flattened on her back before moving up to cup her head. His mouth roamed and nibbled her neck, jaw, and shoulder. It felt wonderful.
    “What are you doing?” Kera asked, shocked, unable to stop herself from tensing up.
    “Having a snack before the meal,” he answered her, squeezing her ass.
    “Stop, Devon!” Kera pushed with all her might, worried she was enjoying it too much, and was surprised that he let her go.
    Devon chuckled. “I only came in here to let you know that the food is out there and ready.” He moved closer to her again and kissed her lightly on the lips. “And if you want to eat it hot, then move that sexy ass of yours.” He kissed her one more time, got out of the tub, picked up his robe, and then left.
    Twenty minutes later, Kera walked out of the bathroom to see the bed had been stripped and remade with clean sheets.
    The petite dining table was set with food and Devon, dressed again in his black silk shorts, lounged on the pillows on the floor.
    Kera made double sure her robe covered everything, took a deep breath, and swallowed hard. “I think after we eat, we should just go our separate ways.”
    She walked over and sat down as far away from him as she could get. He poured two glasses of wine and handed one to her, along with some bread. “Do you know what this time between us is?”
    Kera took a small drink. “I think I know enough. What is this?”
    “I don’t think you really do.” He started to fill a plate with food for her. “This place is like a chapel.” He waited until she looked 46
    up at him. “And you’re drinking wine. Haven’t you ever had wine before?”
    “Around here it was oatmeal, which I hate with a passion, and at home I was damn lucky to have the leftovers once my father was finished.” Kera paused. “And what’d you mean this place is a chapel?”
    “I mean, we’re now married.”
    Kera stopped midway from taking another drink of the wine.
    Slowly she put her glass back down and shook her head, looking at Devon as if he lost his mind.

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