alleys. If there’s going to be any action to be had, it will likely be back there.”
    I followed him, skimming down the ladder easily and dropping to the dirty ground. Yuck. The pungent odor of trash filled my nostrils. Letting him take the lead, I next followed him down several side streets. Our footsteps echoed softly around us.
    Wanting to break that silence and yet not tip off any criminal element, I spoke softly. “So, what do you think of the new girl?” Why I chose that topic, I don’t know; I must be a glutton for punishment.
    “Unless there’s another new girl that I’m not aware of.”
    “She seems like she’ll be an asset to the team. We can always use another heavy hitter.”
    “Uh-huh.” I skirted a puddle, not wanting to walk in soggy boots for the rest of the night.
    Luke smiled. “You don’t like her.”
    “Is it that obvious?”
    “Only to those who know you well,” he said. “You should really give her a chance. You weren’t like this with Lainey.”
    I shrugged. “Lainey’s different.”
    “Why is Lainey different?”
    Lainey never had her sights on you, I thought. Though I was all right with letting Luke go, I wasn’t all right with letting him go to a Glamazon. At least, not yet.
    “She just is.”
    “Is it because Selena’s Lainey’s friend and you’re Lainey’s friend?”
    “No, it’s nothing like friend-envy,” I growled. Frankly, Lainey was too busy being a newly married mom and hero to spend any time hanging out. Sad, it was still a fact of life. And, to be honest, I hadn’t known Lainey long enough to miss her. Our friendship roles could still adapt.
    “Let’s just drop it.” I continued down a side road.
    “Is it because you think she’s prettier than you?”
    I whirled. “Oh, and now she’s prettier than me, too? Thanks. Any other insults you want to hurl in my direction, Luke? Does this outfit make my ass look big? Do I look like I’ve gained weight? Do I have a zit you want to point out? What’s next?”
    A movement caught my eye, and I turned to see two shadowy forms disappear down the alley ahead of us. Luke put a hand upon my arm in warning, and I could tell he had seen them too. A finger to his lips, he motioned for me to move forward. He’d go down another side street to catch and hem them in.
    I crept toward the alley. One of the figures attempted to break away, heading back toward me, but I still couldn’t see either clearly for the darkness. The other figure followed, grabbing the first by the arm and shoving her roughly against a brick wall, eliciting a shallow feminine cry. “Please,” I heard, and then the unmistakable sound of cloth tearing.
    That sent me into motion. I wasn’t going to stand there and witness a rape and do nothing. I charged forward, paying no mind to my loud footsteps. The two figures didn’t pay them any heed either, and as I neared I heard feminine whimpers mixed with male grunting.
    I pulled a small Shocker out of my pocket, enough to temporarily stun an adult male, and put it to the back of the rapist’s neck. Just at that moment the man said, “You like that, don’t you?” Ew.
    “I like this,” I replied. “Let go of her. Now.”
    The rapist paused. “What the hell?”
    I jammed the Shocker farther into his neck. “Move away from her, right now.”
    He moved back from the woman, not bothering to hitch up his pants, which were around his ankles. “Listen, bitch…” He started to turn to face me, but that’s when Luke came out of the shadows and grabbed him, locking up the arm he’d swung in a punch I hadn’t seen coming, driving the guy to the ground in pain.
    The woman screamed. “Stop it! Leave him alone!”
    I turned to face her. “Listen, I know you’re in shock, but it’s going to be okay. You’re safe now.”
    “Safe? What are you talking about, safe? I’ll give you whatever you want, just leave my boyfriend alone!”
    Boyfriend? I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my

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