Temperatures Rising
had never complained and had in fact several times complimented her on the degree of passion she could generate in their bed, she’d always inwardly felt shortchanged. She smiled, thinking that she would love to see Ben now and confess that all those times she’d actually been faking it.
    Her smile quickly vanished when another thought crossed her mind. What if Ben had been faking it, as well? What if the reason he had left her for another woman had nothing to do with her spending more time on the job than with him? What if that had only been his excuse for her replacement?
    She took another sip of tea and thought about all those possibilities. A short while later she knew she had to know the truth. Could she satisfy a man in bed? Could a man satisfy her? She nervously placed her cup back down in the saucer. Maybe she was thinking too hard. She’d never underestimated herself as a woman. She was healthy, in good shape, dressed nicely. Men looked at her, Terrence wanted her. But all they saw was the book’s cover. What was really on the pages? What if she wasn’t capable of delivering when a man needed it the most?
    She had to know the truth.
    Convincing herself that she was doing this more for herself than for Terrence, she made her decision. One night with Terrence ought to give her the answer she wanted. One night and not any more and she would make certain he understood that. To make absolutely sure she wouldn’t be another notch on his bedpost, she went to get her cell phone from out of her purse.
    She called Terrence. He answered on the first ring. “Hello, Sherri.”
    She frowned. At times she detested caller ID. “Hello, Terrence. I’ve decided not to come over to your place. But you’re more than welcome if you’d like to come over to mine.”
    He didn’t say anything for a second, and then, “I’d love to.”
    “And, Terrence, just to make sure things are absolutely clear, tonight is the only night you’ll get invited to my home. There will only be tonight for us. There will not be any repeats.”
    Again he didn’t say anything for a second, and then, “I’ll be there shortly.”
    Sherri hung up the phone. She refused to be just another notch on his bedpost, but he could definitely be a notch on hers.
    ♥ Uploaded by Coral ♥

Chapter 6
    B y the time Sherri had showered and changed into something more comfortable, Terrence was ringing the doorbell. Although her outfit, a printed skirt and blouse lounging set, was supposed to be relaxing, she found that she was a nervous wreck.
    Twice she was tempted to call Terrence and tell him that she had changed her mind, but each time she decided to go through with it. She deserved to know the truth about herself.
    Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. He stood there, not surprisingly looking positively jaw-droppingly sexy. The man was as macho as theycame. He had changed out of the outfit he’d had on at the station and was dressed in a pair of jeans and a pullover. His hair appeared damp, which meant he’d showered and shaved.
    “Terrence, welcome to my home,” she said, attempting to add a degree of warmth and hospitality to her smile. “Won’t you come in?”
    “Yes, I definitely want to come in,” he assured her, stepping over the threshold when she moved aside.
    When she closed the door and turned, he was standing in the middle of her apartment and glancing around. “Nice place, Sherri. It suits you.”
    She chuckled, not sure what he meant by that. “Thanks.” She gestured toward the sofa. “Please have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?”
    “No thanks, I’m fine,” he said, sitting down.
    “All right, then I’ll get dinner—”
    She saw the surprised expression in his eyes and understood. Evidently he’d assumed that he would be escorted immediately to the bedroom. “Yes, dinner. After the wonderful meal you had prepared for me at the club, there was no way I could invite you over and not return the

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