Temporary Fix

Temporary Fix by Allie Standifer Page B

Book: Temporary Fix by Allie Standifer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allie Standifer
Tags: Contemporary
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invaded her space.
    “No one said anything about crawling, much less comparing you to a dog.” She struggled to ignore the electricity and heat in the air between them.
    She turned her back on him, doing her best to dismiss him from her mind but failing miserably. But a little time and distance between them would help them both find a solid footing on where they stood.
    “The only place I’m crawling is into your bed. Now open the door, Kelli. We’re both tired and it’s been a hell of a night. All I want right now is to fall asleep with you tucked safely in my arms.”
    Aim, shoot and fire , she thought as Remi made a direct hit on her secret desire.
    “Remi, maybe w—”
    Then he was right there, reaching behind her to clutch the doorknob and enclose her in his strong, tanned arms. She opened her mouth to protest, but it was too late.
    He brought his hot mouth down on hers, easy as an angel’s kiss, his sweet breath burning against her tender skin. Any thought of stopping or protesting died under the persistent tug of his lips.
    She froze in place, drugged by his scent, by the sheer of power of him and the irresistible sense of male sexuality. So Kelli just stood there, unable to move and torn between desire and fear while he teased his skilled tongue over her lips, tracing the seam, licking and nibbling at the soft corner.
    Oh, this man knew exactly how to melt a female’s resistance. If he’d come at her with the alpha dominance so much a part of his makeup, Kelli would have found the willpower to resist. Instead, his touch brushed, whispered and generally reeled her in with a soft yet sinuous seduction.
    Teasing, tasting, Remi worked his spell on her. He nipped her lower lip with sharp teeth before moving on to nibble the soft edge. Under the magic of his touch, Kelli’s eyes drifted closed and she opened her mouth automatically as his tongue pushed for entrance. The feel of his heat shocked her system all over again, sliding through her veins like lava. Intimate nerves hummed and sparked as the scent and flavour of Remi flooded her system. Beneath her hastily thrown-on shirt, nipples turned pebble hard while desire-based moisture trickled between her thighs.
    Lust, passion, need—everything exploded inside her when Remi’s denim-covered cock rubbed the pulsing nub of her need. Every inch of her skin tingled with awareness of the man touching her, taking her over, even as her nerves burnt too close to the surface. Her breasts were heavy and achy with the need to feel the rough calluses of his hands or the wet strike of his tongue against her heated flesh. All her erogenous zones ached insistently and Kelli pressed herself closer to the hard power of his body, knowing only Remi could tame the fire burning her alive. Need, crude and commanding, swamped her, destroying everything except the man in her arms and his touch.
    With a quick jerk, Remi pulled his mouth away. “In or out, Kelli?”
    Kelli’s muddled mind struggled to comprehend his words. In, of course—she wanted him inside her . “In,” she whispered in a strangled tone before latching on to his lips once more.
    His mouth never leaving hers, Remi backed them inside the softly lit house. Only the tick of a large grandfather clock could be heard over the sound of their pounding heartbeats. A swift kick from his foot and the door closed behind them while his tongue still worked its magic on her mind and body. He circled her waist with one powerful arm to pull her close to him. In this new, more intimate position, she felt everything, including his ripped stomach, strong thighs and the swelling perfection of his cock. Too many feelings flooded her and Kelli knew her trembling knees would have given out if he hadn’t held on to her so tightly.
    When she finally managed to pry her eyes open, Kelli found herself looking into a wickedly black gaze filled with heat, temptation and sin.
    Fuck me, Remi. The desperate cry was voiced only in her mind as her

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