Texas! Chase #2

Texas! Chase #2 by Sandra Brown Page B

Book: Texas! Chase #2 by Sandra Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Brown
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult, Humour
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another dirty look. "That's almost exactly what Lucky said."
    "Great minds think alike."
    Sage had accelerated her academic curriculum enough to graduate a semester ahead of schedule. Chase hadn't made it to her commencement.
    He apologized for that now.
    "Forget it. You didn't miss anything. I looked terrible in a cap and gown. Anyway, I immediately enrolled in graduate school."
    "Have you decided what you're going to do with your expensive degree? Or is being Mrs.
    Doctor Travis whatever going to be enough for you?"
    "Heck no. Being Mrs. anybody wouldn't be enough for me. I'm never going to be totally dependent on any man. I want a career like
    Devon. She's managed to blend her work with a happy marriage. Very happy, if the silly grin on Lucky's face is any indication. Even after two years of marriage, our brother is still besotted with his wife."
    "I can understand that," Chase said introspectively.
    Sage either didn't hear him or chose to let his remark pass without comment.
    "Anyway, I haven't quite made up my mind yet what I want to do. I majored in business.
    I'm taking graduate courses that could apply to any field."
    "Corn field? Cotton field?"
    "Do you want another broken rib?" she threatened.
    He chuckled. "Whatever field it is, I hope it makes you rich and self-supporting."
    "Amen. I want to become independently wealthy like your friend Marcie Johns."
    "Is she?"

    "What, wealthy? She must be. She wins all kinds of awards. Realtor of the Year. Businesswoman of the Year. Things like that. Her picture is in the paper just about every month for selling the most houses even in this depression or recession or whatever it is that we're in."
    "Business major. Right," he said sarcastically.
    Sage ignored that crack. "Mother said Ms.
    Johns looked positively radiant yesterday."
    "Which I think is remarkable considering that she had a difficult time recovering from the accident. I think she had to have some plastic surgery done to cover a scar on her forehead. I heard some women in the beauty parlor speculating on whether or not she had had an eye job and a chin tuck while she was at it.
    "She's… what? Your age, right? Thirty-five?
    Isn't that about the time everything starts sliding downhill? For women, I mean. Damn you men. Your looks improve with age. That's
    one of many grievances I'm going to bring up with God when I get to heaven. It isn't fair that y'all get better looking while we go to pot.
    "But I don't believe Ms. Johns had cosmetic surgery," Sage continued. "Her self-esteem appears to be well cemented. I doubt it would be shaken by a few character lines in her face. Anyway, why would she bother? She's already gorgeous."
    "Gorgeous? Goosey?" Chase was stunned.
    He would never have attached that adjective to Goosey Johns, but then women had different criteria for beauty than men did.
    "Her hair is to die for."
    Chase barked an incredulous laugh. "It looks like a struck match."
    "What do you know?" Sage said with scathing condescension. "Other women pay hundreds for hennas that color."
    "For what?"
    "Here we are. Lucky's here, so I'll just drop you off. I promised Mother I'd run errands for her so she wouldn't have to get out today. Pat called her this morning and advised her to stay indoors."
    "How is Pat?"
    Pat Bush was the county sheriff. Two years earlier he'd been instrumental in clearing Lucky of a false arson charge, which had eventually brought Lucky and Devon together. For as long as the Tyler siblings could remember,
    Sheriff Bush had been their family friend.
    "Pat never changes," Sage said. "But ever
    since Tanya died in that car crash, he's skittish about traffic accidents and stays after Mother to be doubly careful when she drives."
    Hearing Tanya's name sent a little dart of pain through Chase's heart, but he smiled at his sister and thanked her for the lift.
    "Chase,"' Sage called to him as he ducked under the porch roof to get out of the rain. He looked back.
    She had rolled down her

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