Thawing A Duke's Heart (Faces of Love Series #1)
but at least with time to mull it over, he won’t out you in front of everyone. At least I can spare you from one wrath.”
    “But how could I face him again?” I asked, looking between the two of them.
    “Elisabeth and I are engaged now,” Dunlop replied. “I doubt he will continue to find the need to chaperone us.
    Which means you needn’t see him again.”
    “If you don’t want to,” Elisabeth chimed in.
    “Of course I don't want to,” I countered defensively. “I can’t say that it was all horrid, but it certainly wasn’t all good. I understand him better now, but that doesn't change the fact that he is now an unfeeling man who doesn’t believe in love. Why would I ever want to see someone like that again if I don't have to?
    Neither Dunlop nor Elisabeth answered. I could tell they didn’t believe me. They probably shared Julia’s ridiculous fantasies that I had feelings for him. As I walked back to my own house, I told myself repeatedly that it just wasn't the case.
    If nothing else, Dunlop’s revelations had only confirmed to me that I could never love a man like him. Sure, his hardship had been through no fault of his own, but the results had formed a man who was incapable of opening himself up ever again. That was the last person in the world I could possibly have feelings for, and even if I did, which I didn’t, he had made it quite clear that he would never have such feelings again, especially for a hopeless romantic like me.


The Class Of Two Worlds

    * * *
    I was wringing my hands that night as we waited for the guests to arrive. Mother had insisted that I wear a royal blue evening dress, and even gave me the pearl necklace from her grandmother. She made Josie spend an extra amount of time on my hair. She insisted that each ringlet was to be perfectly placed. It was easy to see that in her mind what happened tonight would determine the rest of my life.
    She didn’t know how right she was. If Dunlop hadn’t gotten to the Duke in time, or worse, had and Gaffton’s anger hadn’t ebbed, I would be ramping up for a lifetime of nagging disappointment from Mother.
    Finally, the moment had arrived as we greeted our guest at the door. Both the Cadwells were as warm and friendly as ever. I never let my eyes leave Gaffton’s though. He was his starch, stiff, formal self as he greeted my parents.
    Julia leaned over to me and whispered, “I have to admit, I didn’t like him much in the beginning. The man is so cold. But it’s all worth it with a face like that.”
    I nudged her in the ribs. I was about to give her a very strong-worded reprimand, and a reminder for probably the fifth time that day alone, that I didn’t have feelings for Gaffton. I was halted in my words when the Duke himself stood before me.
    I politely curtsied before him. He was smiling down at me, but not in the way I had seen before. Though to anyone else he seemed happy and pleased to see me, his emerald eyes told a different story. He took my hand in his and affectionately kissed it. I could hear my mother’s whispers to my father. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the cold green ones looking back at me. I knew in that moment that I would soon feel the wrath of His Grace Jacob Fitzroy, Duke of Gaffton.
    We were seated across from each other at the dinner table. Gaffton was more sociable than he had been at other parties. Though my mother was jumping for joy, mostly inwardly, at her matchmaking skills, I couldn’t help but notice the fact that Gaffton’s eyes landed on everyone but me. I knew he was probably too disgusted by my deceit even to gaze upon me. I thought it would have been worse for him to come out and call me on my lies, but seeing him play along, the charming gentleman coming to have dinner with an interest’s family, was much worse.
    If a hole could have formed in the floor and swallowed me up, I would have been all too happy to fall into it. Dinner dragged on endlessly. Gaffton happily chatted with

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