The Alpha Male Romance Boxed Set
as she slid the coffee across the counter to him, while keeping her eyes glued to the parking lot and Senator Morrow as he stepped from his car. Normally, Jessie wasn't into older men and although he didn't look it, she'd read the senator was thirty-three - twelve years her senior - but he was so damned sexy that she made an exception.
    "Thanks," the gentleman she'd just served slid a couple of quarters across the counter to her as her tip and strode off.  She swiped the quarters from the counter and tossed them into the front pocket of her brown apron.
    Her bright blue eyes focused back onto the senator, who was nearly at the entrance. Until she had met Jeff several months ago, she'd always thought of politicians as being stuffy and uptight, she supposed that assumption was due to the fact that the majority of senators were over the age of fifty, but Senator Morrow changed that view for her. 
    Being one of the youngest Senators and hailed as one of America’s most eligible bachelors, he was easily one of the sexiest men she'd ever laid eyes on. Tall, tanned complexion, short blonde hair, mysterious grey eyes and an amazing body, he reminded her of a surfer stuffed into a very expensive suit. To top off his list of attributes, he seemed to be an all round nice guy. Sure, politicians were supposed to appear friendly and kind, but you could tell simply by looking into his eyes that he was a genuinely good man.
    "Anyone wanna bet he gets Jessie to serve him?"
    Jessie looked over at her co-worker, Denise, grabbed a tea towel and swatted her arm with it. "Oh will you stop, he goes to you guys as well."
    Denise huffed as she rolled her eyes at Jessie.
    "If I didn't know better I'd think he had a thing for our little Jess," came an amused male voice from behind her, which belonged to the coffee shop baker, Anthony.
    "He likes how I make his coffee that's all," Jessie assured them though a part of her secretly hoped they were right and that he did have a 'thing' for her. She laughed to herself; it wasn't as though anything could ever happen between them anyhow. Senators didn't pick up girls that served them at the local coffee shop. Did they?
    As Denise predicted, Jeff headed straight for Jessie. She gave him a sweet, sexy smile as he approached which he returned, sending her heart racing.
    "Looking good today Senator. New tie?" she asked as he approached, already in the process of ringing in his order, a large coffee and a blueberry muffin. The tie - grey with silver specks - matched his eyes perfectly so she had immediately taken notice of it.
    Jeff chuckled, his grey eyes lighting up with amusement as he reached into the inner pocket of his black suit jacket and pulled out his wallet. "So how's my favourite coffee shop girl this morning?"
    "Wonderful, yourself?" She didn't bother to tell him the total, and he didn't bother to ask, he simply slid a bill to her and waved off the change.
    "Fantastic." Jeff watched her intently as she set to work on his order, virtually ignoring the rest of the staff who all had their eyes glued to the two of them, while pretending not to be watching. "How did you know it was new?"
    Snapping the lid of his coffee in place she looked back up at him and give him a coy smile, "I always notice my favourite customers." Leaning to her right she nabbed a blueberry muffin from the display case and bagged it for him, when she straightened back up she caught his eyes. "Besides, you always look good, it's hard not to notice." She cringed inwardly at how that sounded; she was certain it had sounded much better - and less like a cheap come-on line - in her head.
    "I think that's the nicest thing someone has said to me that wasn't intentionally trying to kiss my ass because they were lobbying for something." Jeff responded, accepting the bagged muffin and the coffee as she slid them across the counter.
    "I assure you, Senator, the compliment is genuine and in no way meant to butter you up."
    Laughing outright

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