the lexicalized fingerspelling process becoming like a sign. The word has been shortened or abbreviated to the letters "S" and "W." The sign movement starts with the palm orientation of the letter "S" reversed inward toward the signer's chest. The "S" palm orientation swings outward away from the signer and the next letter, "W," is fingerspelled.
Please burn a CD.
Fingerspell "C-D."
I will buy a DVD/VHS player.
Fingerspell "D-V-D" and "V-H-S."
A satellite dish is expensive!
My camcorder works fine.
My parents gave me a 35-mm digital camera for my birthday.
"M-M" and DIGITAL are fingerspelled.
My aunt got a GPS for her boat.
Fingerspell "G-P-S." This is an example of a rhetorical question where the signer asks, and then answers, the question. It is used a great deal in ASL. There is a slight pause at the end of the question—after the sign FOR-FOR in this example—and then the answer is signed.
iPods are very popular!
Fingerspell IPOD.
That coffeehouse doesn't have wi-fi access.
Fingerspell WI-FI.
What's the link to that blog?
Fingerspell BLOG.
This theater downtown has open captioning.
My TV has closed captioning.
Fingerspell TV.
Which pager did you choose?
I need to recharge my pager.
Mine's a BlackBerry pager.
Fingerspell "B-B."
I will buy a Sidekick III pager.
I love video relay service!
Fingerspell "V-R-S."
A few people use the voice carryover feature on the video relay service.
Fingerspell "V-R-S."
When you get home, check your video relay mail.
The wireless Internet relay on my pager is terrific!
Sometimes I use the IP relay on my computer.
Fingerspell "I-P" and RELAY.
Deaf people text message their hearing friends.
Fingerspell TEXT.
Some deaf people have gotten cochlear implants.
How do you feel about cochlear implants?
My deaf-blind friend has a closed-circuit television magnifier.
Fingerspell "C-C-T-V."
Did you see that vlog?
Fingerspell VLOG.
Most deaf people use light-signaling devices for their doorbells, alarm clocks, videophones, and TTYs, and to alert them to a baby's cry.
Fingerspell "T-T-Y."
Nowadays, deaf people are using video relay services rather than TTYs.
T HE MANUAL ALPHABET allows us to fingerspell English words. When there is not a sign for an idea, then fingerspelling is used. This occurs most often with proper names. Mastery of fingerspelling is relatively easy if you form good habits from the very beginning. First, relax your fingers. This may require bending and stretching the fingers so that they fall easily into the proper hand shapes. Next, relax your arm and shoulder. Tension is the greatest obstacle to clear formation of the letters, so strive to remain relaxed as you work at it. Let the arm hang down with the elbow to your side and the hand slightly in front of your body as the pictures show. Do not let your elbow start moving away from your side and rising upwards. Rhythm is the most important quality to develop in fingerspelling. A rhythmical spelling is much easier to read than an unrythmical one, even when the letters are not perfectly formed. Rhythm is also critical for indicating when one word has ended and the next word has begun. This is done by holding on to the last letter of a word for about one-fourth of a beat of the rhythm you are using, then going on to the first letter of the next word. As you practice rhythmical fingerspelling, be sure you do not let the rhythm cause you to bounce your hand. Hold it steadily in one place. Speed is not a goal to pursue. Work on rhythm, and then speed will come naturally in time. The tendency is to attempt to fingerspell too fast. Then the rhythm becomes broken when you cannotremember how to make a letter. A slow, rhythmic