The Battle Sylph

The Battle Sylph by L. J. McDonald Page B

Book: The Battle Sylph by L. J. McDonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. J. McDonald
Tags: Fiction
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her father was after her still…She put her hands to her face and wept, sobbing disconsolately on the worn kitchen floor.
    “My queen?” Heyou appeared and knelt beside her, looking only at her face as he put a hand on her shoulder, turning her toward him. His eyes were wide and worried, and a touch confused as he stroked the tears on her cheek and looked at his fingers. “What is it?”
    He was the only one not against her, the only one who seemed to care what she wanted, the only one who listened to her. With him, she was the one in control, since he’d do whatever she said. She had the power over him that she’d always been told men would hold over her. And she’d be dead now without him. Looking at Heyou, Solie started to cry harder, throwing her arms around his neck and burying her face against his chest. She didn’t care about her earlier resolution not to touch him. She wanted to be held.
    Heyou’s arms came around her and he made some sort of keening sound in sympathy. It cut through her, and she lifted her head, pressed her mouth against his. Heyou drew back, obviously confused, and she pulled away, burying her face against him again, weeping. He tightened his arms around her and just waited, letting her cry herself out. Ittook a long time. The water in the basin was icy cold and her skin dry before she felt as if she could move again.
    Heyou held her throughout, not trying anything. She could feel how bewildered he was. That only made her feel worse, but eventually her tears stopped. “Thanks,” she murmured at last, pulling away. “I…um…I have to wash my hair.”
    “Yes, my queen,” he breathed. Standing, he moved back into the main room, a puzzled look still on his face.
    Blushing, Solie washed her hair in the basin of cold water, wondering why in the world she always ended up naked with him. Or why she’d kissed him. His lips had tasted so sweet, though, and she did feel better for the hug and the weeping.
    Solie sighed and finished scrubbing her hair, combing it out again wet and drying it with a towel. That done, she pulled on her blouse and dress just as she heard Heyou growl from the other room. His familiar hate flared again, and she wondered how any man could stand to have it directed at him.
    “Wait!” she yelped, running out. Mr. Chole stood at his front door, shaking. Heyou was hissing at him, ready to attack. Running up behind, Solie put a hand on the battler’s shoulder, and he relaxed immediately.
    “Sorry,” she told the widower. “I’m so sorry. He’s not used to people. He’s just scared. He’s a really nice guy, though.”
    Chole snorted. “So you say.” He shuffled inside, leaning on his cane, and went to sit in one of the chairs by the window.
    “Behave!” Solie whispered into Heyou’s ear. “Got it? Stop trying to scare him!”
    “Yes, my queen.”
    Mr. Chole settled down and laid his cane on the floor before looking again at his two guests. After glaring atHeyou a little fearfully, he smiled at Solie. “I saw your aunt.” He produced a loaf of bread. “She tells me your father is going door-to-door looking for you. He’s quite worried.”
    Solie tensed. She loved her father, but he was a strict man who wanted the family to be wealthier than they were. For him to give her in marriage to a man she didn’t love…Well, it didn’t surprise her. It hurt, though, and she didn’t want to see him. She didn’t know if she could forgive him, and he’d only try to make her feel terrible again. She didn’t want to marry creepy old Mr. Falthers. He’d always leered at her once she grew old enough to have breasts, and the thought of letting him touch her…
    She looked at Heyou, remembering his kiss. She didn’t even know how to guess how her father would react to that .
    “I don’t want to see him,” she managed.
    The old man shrugged. “So your aunt says. It’s up to you. I’ll tell him I’ve never seen you if he comes here.” He looked briefly at

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