The Big Splash

The Big Splash by Jack D. Ferraiolo Page B

Book: The Big Splash by Jack D. Ferraiolo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack D. Ferraiolo
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    â€œHelp him do what? Find the kid responsible and rub him out? He’s got enough thug buddies to help him do that.”
    â€œThat’s not what he wants …”
    â€œDon’t be so naive, Liz. What the hell do you think he wants? To give the kid a stern lecture?”
    â€œLook, all I know is that he’s really hurting.”
    â€œWell, what do you want from me? Tell him to get a hug from his mommy.”
    As soon as I said it, I was sorry. Liz winced as if stung.
    â€œNice guy …,” she mumbled.
    My face flushed. Their mother was a tender subject. If their father’s attitude toward people was puzzling, their mother’s attitude was a neon billboard: She wasn’t fond of anybody, and “anybody” included her immediate family. Her affection was reserved for herself and her money, not Kevin, Liz, or, as far as I knew, Mr. Carling. A hug from Mrs. Carling? Kevin might as well ask the principal if he could borrow his car.
    Before I could start my apology, Jenny Finnegan walked over and slapped me across the face. The slap looked dramatic, but there wasn’t much behind it. “You jerk!” she yelled, then turned and noticed Liz. “Hi, Lizzie.”
    â€œHey, Jenny. You cut in line.”
    â€œNo problem. I’ll get him next time. See you around, Matt,” Liz said and walked away.
    â€œWhat the hell was that?” I yelled at Jenny while trying to rub her fingerprints off my face.
    â€œYou’re working for Vinny?” she yelled back. I lookeddown the hallway to see if Liz had heard, but thankfully, she was already out of earshot.
    â€œNot that it’s any of your business,” I said, “but, yes.”
    She went to slap me again, but I saw it coming and grabbed her wrist. “Let me go!” she screamed, making us look like a married couple on a daytime talk show. Kids stopped what they were doing and watched. I heard the deep voice of a teacher coming around the corner. I pulled Jenny close to me. There was a yellow ribbon holding her ponytail. She was still clutching her horse-covered notebook. I could smell her soap. It was the same kind Nicole used.
    â€œPipe down or we’re both going to end up in detention.”
    Mr. Rudolph, an eighth-grade History teacher, turned the corner and walked past us. I pretended that Jenny and I were having a casual conversation. “So you like horses, huh?” I asked and willed her to play along. Either she didn’t pick up on my cues, or she didn’t want to. She just stared at me with a weird mixture of anger and excitement on her face, as if she had never been this close to a boy before and wasn’t sure if she liked it. Lucky for us, Mr. Rudolph musthave had something on his mind, because he passed by without giving us a second look. When he was out of sight, I let Jenny go.
    â€œI was going to tell you,” I said.
    â€œLater today. Give me a break, will ya? I only just got here.”
    â€œIt’s all Vinny’s fault.”
    â€œWhat is? The Nikki hit?
    She nodded yes, her long ponytail bobbing up and down.
    â€œAnd what, Nikki’s the innocent lamb? Please. You may want to buy that bull because she’s your sister, but don’t try selling it to me.”
    Jenny started to say something, but stopped. Her gaze dropped from my face.
    â€œLook,” I said, regaining my composure. “As far as I can tell, Vinny didn’t have anything to do with it.”
    â€œBut I hired you first!” There was a little whine to her voice that was starting to get on my nerves.
    â€œTechnically, Vinny hired me first. Look, I don’t want to take money from both of you for the same job, and quite frankly, I think he has more to give.”
    â€œI don’t care what he has. She’s my sister. I want to know who did it.”
    â€œYou’ll know, but for free. Not a bad deal.”

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