The Billionaire Bum

The Billionaire Bum by Samantha Blair Page A

Book: The Billionaire Bum by Samantha Blair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Blair
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
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would not say in front of the board.”
    “I received word that your brother was vacationing in Hawaii. Unfortunate timing, don’t you think? I am concerned that perhaps he isn’t as dedicated to your company as you may believe.”
    I drew myself up to my full intimidating height. What exactly was he implying?
    “Jackson’s dedication is not in question here. He is very loyal to this company, and I do not appreciate your suggestion to the contrary.”
    “Really, Mr. Hayes? Are you aware that Jackson has tried, on multiple occasions, to convince your board not to buy my company?”
    “Yes, I am.” He doesn’t like you, because you’re a sneaky rat bastard.
    “Are you aware that he made me a second offer for my company?” I was not aware of that. Why would he do that? “Jackson came to me personally, at my office, and attempted to buy me out with his own personal assets. He wanted to beat you to the punch and keep the financial gain for himself.”
    “Jackson would never do that.” This asshole was really starting to piss me off.
    “Oh, I assure you he did—smart man really. Why should he settle for less than thirty percent when he can afford to buy me out himself and keep all of it?” The jerk had the nerve to smirk at me. “Makes me wonder what else he has stolen from this company right under your nose, Mr. Hayes.”
    “My brother is an honest man,” I said, “and if that’s all that you came here for, you can leave now. We’re finished.”
    “Surely, Mr. Hayes, you don’t believe that I would make these kinds of accusations without proof.” He produced a manila envelope. “I believe you’ll want to make some adjustments after you’ve reviewed this. I’ll be expecting your call.” With that, he turned and walked out of my conference room, leaving me alone with his mysterious envelope. I simply stared at it for a while, unsure of what to do. Part of me was curious, of course, but most of me knew it was bullshit. Jackson would never go behind my back on something like this. I was not dumb enough to take Nick Carver’s word for it. I was sure that the envelope contained forged documents. He probably got a hold of Jackson’s signature and thought that a couple of signed, photocopied documents would be enough to set me against my own brother.

    I opened the envelope and dumped the contents onto the table. It did in fact contain documents, like I had expected. I was about the throw the whole thing in the trash when I noticed a silver disc in the pile. An audio CD? Really?
    My own morbid curiosity got the better of me. I carried it to my office and pushed the disc into my computer. Jackson’s voice filled my ears. Oh God. He taped the conversation. I was listening to Jackson’s sales pitch as he tried to buy the company behind my back. “Personal assets… without involving Hayes Industries…”
    I couldn’t listen any more. How could this be true? My own brother.
    I flipped open my phone.
    “Ben, where the hell is he?”

Chapter 8: Thicker than Water
    I felt like my head was in a fog that I just couldn’t shake. I really wanted to focus on getting my social security card, but my every thought involved Alissa. I just couldn’t get that woman out of my mind: the way she smelled, the way she smiled, the way she wouldn’t take any shit from her employees. God, I was pathetic. I felt like I could just float around this city all day and be happy. She was incredible.
    Out of nowhere, strong arms grabbed me by the front of my shirt. My back was slammed up against a brick wall. The air rushed from my lungs. My head snapped up to face my attacker.
    “Jason! What the fuck?!” I screamed, my heart rate lowering when I saw it was just my brother. “You scared the shit out of me.”
    Where was the playful smile that I was expecting? He wasn’t letting go of my shirt.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “How could you?” he growled at me.
    “How could I what?” I asked. My mind was reeling. Did

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