The Billionaire Cowboy: A Billionaire's Club Story

The Billionaire Cowboy: A Billionaire's Club Story by Mandy Baxter Page A

Book: The Billionaire Cowboy: A Billionaire's Club Story by Mandy Baxter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy Baxter
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, cowboy, rancher
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wagged her tail and pushed her snout under Lara’s arm, getting close enough to give her cheek a couple of licks. Lara laughed and wrapped her arms around Pepper’s neck, enjoying the affection, and something tightened in Ryder’s chest. Maybe this weekend wasn’t such a good idea. Because with every moment he spent with her, Ryder was afraid that Lara was anchoring herself deeper into his system rather than working herself out the way he’d hoped.
    “Did you train her to run cattle?” Lara’s eyes met his and for a moment, some of the iciness melted away, replaced with a glow that seemed to soak right into him, igniting every inch of Ryder’s body with fiery warmth.
    “Sort of,” he said with a shrug. “She was born to chase and herd, so it comes naturally to her. Dogs like Pep need something to get after, you know?”
    Lara smiled. “I do. I’ve treated more than a couple ambitious cow dogs who thought they could take on a truck tire or two. It’s good that she has plenty of space to roam around and get all of that energy out of her system.”
    Ryder looked around—there wasn’t another house for miles—at the acres and acres of land. “You got that right. Guess we both need a little space to roam.”
    Lara’s expression darkened and she averted her gaze. “Guess so. No chance of any ex-girlfriends dropping by for a quick visit when you live all the way out here.”
    He was good and ready to put talk of his past relationships away once and for all. Yes, he’d been with more than a few women in his life. They both knew it, no point in beating a dead horse. But he was curious at Lara’s sharp tone. “What’s the matter, doc?” he teased. “Jealous?”
    She didn’t look at him when she said, “Hardly. Though I have to wonder how many women have gotten the Ryder Blackwell treatment in such a low-rent place.” She ran her fingers absently through Pepper’s fur. “Maybe you figure the local vet wouldn’t mind if you took her right there in the barn.”
    Low rent?
That stable cost him a fortune, and the place was almost as clean as his house. He wasn’t sure what Lara thought—maybe that he wined and dined the women he slept with, bathed them in expensive gifts before they fell into bed with him. But what she didn’t know was that she was the first woman he’d ever actually entertained at his place.
. “You’re making a mighty big assumption, don’t you think?”
    “Am I?” Her eyes met his, serious and almost … sad.
    “Jesus Christ, Lara.” Ryder stood and snatched his Stetson off his head, smacking it against his thigh. She frustrated him past the point of reason and maybe it was her up-front, down-to-business attitude that made him want her even more. “For someone who’s trying so hard to rebuild a reputation tarnished by cheap, cruel gossip, you’re sure jumping on that bandwagon pretty damned quick.”
    “See, that’s the thing, Ryder,” Lara said, giving Pepper one last scratch behind the ear before she stood to face him. “All the gossip about my family happened to be true. People don’t generally talk about someone unless they give ’em something to talk about.”
    “Well, if that’s what you think, I suppose there’s nothing I can say to change your mind.” He let out a derisive snort. “Let’s eat.” Ryder snapped his fingers and Pepper fell into step beside him, wagging her tail and bouncing as he headed for the house.
    Never before had Ryder bothered with worrying over the shit people said about him. It was just talk after all, and he’d be willing to bet his “many” conquests were way overexaggerated in the public opinion. But now, after being hit over the head with it repeatedly by the woman he was trying to impress, Ryder wished for the first time that people would’ve kept their big mouths shut.

Chapter Seven
    Lara didn’t know why her mood had turned so sour. Especially since she’d already decided that she wasn’t going to let Ryder

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