The Body in the Cast

The Body in the Cast by Katherine Hall Page Page B

Book: The Body in the Cast by Katherine Hall Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Hall Page
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    Faith was pretty sure she didn’t mean sixteen glasses of water a day and a seaweed wrap. “Was it alcohol or drugs, or did she have some other kind of breakdown?”
    â€œThat would be telling,” Corny said, smugly fastening every button on her unbared breast with annoying swiftness.
    This was good gossip, but Faith knew there would be no more. The moment had passed. Preoccupied, Cornelia stomped steadfastly back toward the set, obviously thinking how much better a consort she would make. More like the virgin queen, Faith reflected. Anyway for now, and quite likely forever, Miss Stuyvesant would have to be content with the crumbs from Evelyn’s table.
    They were both surprised to see Max himself at the canteen truck with Sandra Wilson and some of the rest of the crew, instead of sequestered in his trailer or on the set as usual. They were laughing and it was obvious from their good humor that the morning’s shoot had been successful.
    â€œMistress Fairchild—Faith, if I may—whatever these are, they are wicked and as addictive as … well, let’s merely say
addictive. You are going to have to cater all my films,” Max called out.
    Faith was inordinately pleased. It was nice, of course, when the Ladies Alliance at First Parish praised the tiny buckwheat walnut rolls she filled with thin slices of Virginia ham and a touch of honey mustard, but to hear it from a famous person—this was something else again. She just might have to become a Maxwell Reed groupie herself, no matter whose quotations he cribbed.
    Cornelia had immediately insinuated herself into the group around the director, and from the way she regarded Sandra, her fellow PA, it was apparent to Faith that Evelyn O’Clair was not the only fly in the pancake makeup so far as Corny was concerned.
    They were all diverted by the arrival of Caresse Carroll with her mother literally following at her heels. Caresse was running, and when she stopped, planting herself firmly in front of Max, it was clear it wasn’t the exercise that had brought roses to her cheeks, but annoyance—a lot of annoyance.
    Caresse was very, very angry.
    â€œWho the hell do you think you are kicking me off your stinking movie! Do you think I wanted to work for an old weirdo like you!” she shrieked. Her whole body was rigid and the only part moving was her lips. She looked like the little girl she’d played in Adopted by Aliens after they’d snatched her body.
    Her mother put her arm around Caresse’s shoulder, attempting to lead her away, whispering something that sounded like “Now, dear, it’s not worth …”
    â€œGet away from me!” Caresse rudely pushed her mother, sending her almost tumbling to the ground, and without pausing for breath continued her tirade. Jacqueline Carroll had tears in her eyes.
    â€œWe have a contract, mister.” Caresse took a step forward and was shaking a tiny finger that threatened to become a fist at Max. “And you’d better remember that or you’ll be sorry!”

    â€œAre you finished?” Max asked quietly. He didn’t look at all disturbed, yet the words were menacing in their steeliness. He might just as well have pulled a whip from his coat pocket and snapped it in the air. Caresse stood still, openmouthed, but not for long.
    â€œNo, I am not. Fuck you! And fuck the whole movie!”
    â€œAre you finished?” he said in the same voice, a voice that belied his casual stance. He folded his arms across his chest. The cast and crew remained frozen in position. Nobody wanted to miss this scene.
    â€œI’m waiting. Are you quite finished?”
    Caresse hadn’t said a word.
    â€œGood. Now then, I have no idea who told you you were off the film. You’re not. It’s true I have been rethinking a few of Pearl’s scenes and we may use the infant in some where we had originally thought we would use the older

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