The Bond That Consumes Us

The Bond That Consumes Us by Christine D'Abo Page B

Book: The Bond That Consumes Us by Christine D'Abo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine D'Abo
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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    “Say my name, Fallon.”
    His hips thrust forward against her ass as he rolled her nipples between his fingers.
    He let his face fall to her shoulder and ran his tongue along the side of her neck.
    “I can smell you. How much you want me,” he spoke against her skin, licking after each word.
    She shivered, her nails curling into his neck, the sharp pain mixing with a powerful wave of pleasure. “I want you to fuck me.”
    A growl escaped his chest and he pinched her nipples even harder.
    “You’ll soon learn I’m the one who gives the orders.”

    A sudden loud buzz filled the tube, causing Fallon to squeal and jump away from him. The crackle of the communicator filled the tube.
    “Is there a problem? The tube car is halted.”
    Fallon’s heavy panting told him she was in no condition to talk.
    “This is Taber, security chief from the Eurus colony. There is no problem.”
    Or at least there wasn’t until this harkatch interrupted.
    “The computer indicates Fallon Reist is there with you.”
    “Hey Tony, I’m here.”
    “You okay?”
    There was something about the way the young security guard asked the question that didn’t sit right with Taber. He looked to Fallon, her face flushed with passion, her erect nipples still poking hard beneath her shirt. Some of her hair had escaped the ponytail and framed her cheek. He wanted to touch it, feel its softness but knew he couldn’t, shouldn’t go near her.
    “I’m fine,” she let out a little laugh. “I was filling Taber in before we got to med bay.
    The explanation was taking longer than the ride.”
    “Okay. I’m going to start you up again.”
    As if on cue, the tube began to move ahead with a gentle jerk.
    “Thanks, Tony.”
    Walking over to the communicator, Fallon tapped the pad, ending the conversation.
    “Don’t. Please don’t say anything.”
    The muscles in his neck and shoulders tightened before he laced his hands behind his back, opened his legs and stared straight ahead. He could see her fixing her hair and for a moment the long strands of her hair hung loose around her shoulders, down to her waist. The length of it beckoned him to reach out and bury his hands and face in it.
    No. She’s not yours.
    “Taber, I—”
    The door to the tube whooshed open and he walked silently outside and waited for her to join him. The animal that drove his lust screamed deep inside his body, desperately trying to claw its way to the surface. He clamped down on it hard, willing his raging cock to go down.
    Focus—he needed to focus on the job. Catch this killer and get the renen , the killer off this ship.
    “Med bay is this way, correct?”
    He didn’t turn to face her until he knew she was walking in the direction he’d indicated. If she looked at him with those gray-green eyes he wouldn’t be able to do the job he’d been asked to do. He’d pick her up, throw her over his shoulder and find the closest spot where’d he’d be able to fuck her.

    What was wrong with him?
    Thankfully, the walk from the tube to med bay wasn’t that far. When they entered, Sean was standing beside a short man dressed in a long white coat, the doctor. When his friend looked up, his gaze went from Fallon to Taber, causing Sean to frown.
    “Problem?” Sean asked.
    Not one I care to discuss with you. “Have you determined the cause of death?”
    Taber hoped Sean wouldn’t question him further, at least not until he was able to control himself better. He didn’t want to be responsible for injuring Sean.
    “Hi, Doc. This is Taber, from Eurus.”
    “Fallon my dear.” The older man grinned as she walked over and gave him a light hug. “You haven’t been to see me in quite some time. Aren’t you due for your physical?”
    “Anxious to poke me, Doc?”
    Taber felt his chest tighten as he balled his fists behind his back. Patience, relax . She wasn’t his and he had no right

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