The Bonded

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Book: The Bonded by John Falin Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Falin
Tags: Fiction, Urban Fantasy
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the next. I welcome the bitter cold with burning skin. My metabolism is nearly twice as hopped up and my temperature must be 105 degrees.
    Flashing images of that unresolved conversation in the car rise like mist in my mind. It’s an old injury on a cold day. I snatch this moment of tender isolation to break the silence as we casually stroll through the crescent harbor. “I need more, Percy. My entire life has been one endless series of moves, running from one location to another in an inane effort to find someone, anyone like me. I may not require people around me often, but I still need companionship. Do you have any idea how lonely I am? Don’t get me wrong. I’m thankful for the philosophical discussion earlier, but what are we and why was I left alone?”
    Percy’s gaze falls heavily to the ground as her hand gently messages her strained neck to purchase several seconds for consideration. Like a door’s latch barrel bolt sliding into place and snapping to lock, our eyes meet. She says with a hint of sadness, “This is a slippery slope, Adriel. I understand your heart, and I know you need details to survive, but there are others who will be affected if you are discovered to possess information that you shouldn’t have. I can reveal what you need to know, but not what you desire. I feel your pain and hurt with you, but you must be satisfied with that for now.”
    I swallow another lump of old despair, disgusted at my blatant vulnerability, and reply with a steel whisper. “I have no choice.”
    Her stare tenderly relents as the mood shifts from red to a shallow blue. “ I am a vampire; at least, that’s what we now call ourselves. There was never an official name as far as I know. We have always taken what the humans call us and claim that as our namesake. I have to save the history lessons for Cassius, but I can tell you we feed on the blood of humans."
    "Well, I kinda figured that." Snow begins its feathered descent, whisking here and there at the wind's mercy.
    "But you don’t know why. We can still eat and drink the food of humans”—I smile inwardly in memory of my scotch—“but our metabolism burns it uselessly. Blood is the only nutrition source that can be utilized and dispersed throughout our bodies for sustenance. We cannot thrive on animal blood, although it will keep us alive, barely. It’s only the blood of humans that give us true life.”
    I think on that for a long moment and ask a follow-up question. "How long do we live?"
    "Vampireslive for about fifteen centuries due to our advanced immune systems. Cassius celebrated birthday 1488 last year, but you should know that we do not age like humans."
    "He was the strongest and the oldest?"
    She smiles and assumes the part of teacher by approving the correct question. "Our immune system grows stronger with age, making our wounds less debilitating and recovery much quicker. Although our metabolism builds in intensity, it is eventually the cause of death. It literally burns us from the inside as our bodies succumb to the heat."
    I delay for thought and murmur to myself, “So, the myths are wrong. We aren't immortal."
    She stops mid-step, demanding my attention, and says, "Vamps and waers are not—that is correct. But all myths start with some form of truth. They are stories meant to explain the mystical or meaningful experiences that logic or science struggle with." Anticipating my response, she retaliates with offense, "Humans love stories of magic and sex, but none of us were made through a bite or sorcery, but were conceived and born. In fact, we are born resembling humans and remain vulnerable until our brains fully mature during our early twenties. That is when the change you experienced happens for us. We call it the Resurrectio, or in English, ‘The Awakening.’”
    My thoughts are racing, but I manage to ask, “Why was it so long for me? I always felt on the verge of something palpable, but could never reach it.”
    “I don’t know

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