The Carrot and the Stick
again from the photocopy. I’ll take the original with me. You can fax the amendments later.’
    â€˜This is the second present I’ve given you,’ Beth said, handing the folder to Richard Cross. It was six-thirty and they were again alone in his office.
    Richard studied the contract long and hard, and then closed the folder with a low whistle of appreciation. ‘I like the alterations made in pen.’
    Beth smiled coquettishly. ‘I thought you would,’ she said with pride, and threw herself down on the sofa, flipping her legs up onto the cushions.
    â€˜It will do wonders for the next set of figures,’ Richard said. ‘How did you do it? T.J. isn’t easy.’
    She laughed. ‘Sacrifice far beyond the call of duty.’
    â€˜Sacrifice? What sort of sacrifice? Nothing painful, I hope.’
    She gave him a look full of meaning. ‘I suspect you’ll find out for yourself fairly soon.’
    He looked puzzled briefly, and then changed the subject. ‘Five or six months from now I’ll have to think again about carrots instead of sticks. What would you like?’
    â€˜I’ll have to think about it,’ Beth teased. ‘I’ll let you know.’
    Richard nodded. ‘You said it was today’s second present. What was the first?’
    â€˜Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten Celeste already,’ she said indignantly.
    He smiled at the recollection. ‘Oh yes, Celeste. Of course.’
    Beth swung her feet to the floor. ‘Did you enjoy spanking her?’
    Richard leaned back in his chair, a smile playing about his lips. ‘Yes,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘I did, very much.’
    â€˜As much as caning me?’ asked Beth, and immediately regretted the note of jealousy that crept into her voice.
    Richard heard it and was not going to let her off the hook. ‘Different circumstances,’ he said. ‘Different situation.’
    â€˜A different bottom, too,’ Beth said, pouting. ‘You preferred her to me.’
    â€˜I didn’t say that.’
    â€˜You didn’t need to,’ Beth sulked. ‘You fucked her, but you didn’t even touch me.’
    â€˜Is that wise?’ Richard said, his expression and tone suddenly grim.
    â€˜Is what wise?’
    â€˜Getting all possessively broody on me, the man who is about to punish you.’
    â€˜You... you’re still going to punish me after all I’ve done for you today?’ she blurted indignantly.
    â€˜Oh yes,’ Richard confirmed. ‘Isn’t that what you’re here for?’
    â€˜Is Celeste not enough for you?’ she said, secretly pleased that her flatmate had not drained his libido.
    â€˜I can handle more than one naughty girl in a day,’ he stated. ‘Speaking of which...’ his voice dropped the bantering tone, ‘...I’d like you naked - now.’
    Without question Beth stood and started to undress, without being self-conscious, as if she was alone in her bedroom, folding each garment neatly on the sofa. When she was totally naked she walked around the desk and posed in front of him, standing straight with one arm across her breasts and her other hand on her pubis.
    Richard looked into her eyes. ‘Move your hands,’ he said, so she dropped them to her sides, standing quietly as he looked her up and down, slowly and carefully. She searched his eyes for a look of approval, but then he commanded her to turn around.
    She heard him whistle softly and she knew why; her bottom was pink all over and purple in parts, still showing the effects of the last two days.
    â€˜That’s not all my handiwork,’ he said, a note of admiration in his voice.
    â€˜No, it’s not,’ Beth confirmed, still standing with her back to him. ‘I had a top up at lunchtime.’
    â€˜A top up?’
    He was being obtuse. ‘All part of securing the deal,’ Beth informed him.

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