The Cauldron of Fear

The Cauldron of Fear by Joe Dever Page A

Book: The Cauldron of Fear by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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    Drunken Mercenaries: COMBAT SKILL  18    ENDURANCE  30
    If you wish to evade combat, turn to 49 .
    If you stay and win the combat, turn to 170 .

    The sound of your running feet is lost amid the noise and bustle of the crowded hall, and the guards do not hear you as you sprint towards their backs. All they see is a blur of green as you duck under their crossed halberds and disappear into the teeming throng.
    Turn to 39 .

    A rough dirt track leads away from the hut and into the hills above. It is a precarious path to follow, especially on horseback and at dusk. Only your quick wits and Kai skills keep you and your horse from plunging into the steep-sided gullies that border the rocky track.
    Eventually you arrive at a junction, where the path meets a wider road heading north and south. A signpost lies shattered on the ground, but instinctively you know that the north route leads to Tahou. You point the way and Banedon acknowledges your signal with a wave. As you turn onto the highway you suddenly feel that you are being watched. Pinpoints of red fire glint in the darkness and the sound of hungry, panting Doomwolves comes to you on the night air. Before you can shout a warning, a shrill scream splits the night — it is the chilling sound of a Giak battle-cry. You are being attacked.
    Turn to 244 .

    In addition to your supplies, Senator Chil provides the winch, ropes, and cradle by which you will be lowered into the shaft that descends to Zaaryx. Upon your arrival at the Square of the Dragons he supervises the assembly of these vital components, while you stand with Senator Zilaris and stare in awe at the Cauldron itself.

    In the glow of a hundred lanterns it takes on the appearance of a huge, steep-sided sink that is stoppered with a plug of stone. The key to this plug is a rod of Korlinium that, until this evening, was kept locked in the vaults of the Anarium. Now it rests in the hands of the President. Senator Chil signals that his work is complete and the President inserts the crystal rod into the plug of ancient stone. At first nothing happens. Then you sense a vibration beneath your feet. Crackling tongues of pale blue fire lap the rim of the plug and the hiss of escaping air breaks the seal of three centuries' grime that holds the plug in place. Levers and ropes are brought into action and slowly the great block is lifted and the shaft to Zaaryx uncovered.
    Turn to 205 .

    The deadly arrows pierce your heart and stomach. Pain engulfs you like a raging fire, but a chilling numbness soon follows, washing over you like a wave of soothing balm. You fight to stay on your feet but darkness encroaches on all sides: it is the cold embrace of death.
    Your life and your quest end here.

    The officer in charge of the mounted escort rides forward to meet you. He wears silvered Anarian mail and a winged helmet embossed with the crest of Tahou.
    ‘Hail, captain!’ says Banedon, upon seeing his crown-shaped badge of rank. The man narrows his eyes and regards you both with suspicion. He is about to reach for his sword when a woman shouts from the leading wagon.

    ‘Banedon! Banedon! Is that you?’
    Your companion recognizes the woman and returns her wave. ‘Lortha! By the stars, I had not expected to meet you here,’ he says in a surprised tone. The captain relaxes his guard and motions to the wagons to move on, anxious that his entourage is not delayed on the highway.
    ‘You can fall in with us or save your reunion till we reach Navasari,’ he says, curtly, and rides on without waiting for a reply.
    ‘Lortha is the wife of Chiban, a famous Tahouese magician. He was my mentor when I lived and studied in the city,’ says Banedon.
    If you wish Banedon to talk to this woman, turn to 209 .
    If you insist that you both continue your journey without delay, turn to 274 .

    ‘They are lying,’ you say, your voice calm yet forceful. ‘We have never seen these men before.’
    ‘We have only

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