The Coffin Lane Murders
sixteenth-century witch. Drowned in St Mary's Loch, she had died with a curse on her lips.
    Faro shook his shoulders as if to free himself from such morbid imaginings. Two women murdered. The murderer had succeeded with the second killing although the first victim had not died immediately but, what was perhaps worse, had bled to death alone in the snow.
    Whoever committed such crimes was no spectre of Arthur's Seat, but someone real enough to kill.
    Vince and Conan were waiting for him at the house. They listened to Mrs Fittick's story with an air of expectancy which he doused by shaking his head.
    Vince nodded eagerly towards Conan: 'You'd better tell him.'
    Conan shrugged. 'I would very much like to find the missing shoe - remember the patent slipper that I saw lying near the woman's body?'
    'I presumed that it had fallen out of the basket she was carrying,' said Faro.
    Vince and Conan exchanged glances. 'That's what we thought too. After surgery we went back and searched. But we couldn't find the matching one,' said Conan.
    'And we did our own bit of detective work. The woman was wearing boots, as you'll remember.'
    'That was easy, Vince. No one would wear slippers in snowy weather like this,' said Conan.
    'Wait a moment. She was going on a visit, she might have carried them to change into,' said Faro.
    'Except that the slippers were far too small for her,' said Conan triumphantly. 'Didn't you notice the size of her boots?'
    And Faro hadn't noticed. One of his weaknesses was that he was notoriously unobservant when it came to women's wearing apparel.
    As a married man of some years, Conan doubtless had expertise in such matters while Faro had missed the significance completely.
    Now he remembered the stout but petite Mrs Fittick. 'Then they probably were a present for her friend.'
    'What about this missing knife? The police surgeon believes the same weapon was used in both cases,' said Vince. 'I wonder if our murderer carried it away.'
    The same kitchen knife, thought Faro. Were the doctors aware of the horrifying significance? That both victims had been killed by the same hand?
    'Could be out there anywhere, Vince,' said Conan. 'Hidden by snow, it'll probably turn up when the thaw sets in.'
    'But too late to be of any use in this investigation,' said Faro, gloomily aware that the missing knife was the first and only clue, the one vital link that might somehow lead him to the killer's identity.
    If he could find it.
    Returning from the Central Office later that evening, Faro walked in on one of the frequent disagreements between Vince and Olivia over a proposed visit to Solomon's Tower.
    Kate had mentioned that her uncle would most cordially welcome them for a family Christmas dinner. Olivia had greeted this invitation with enthusiasm and already that afternoon, she and Kate had been discussing the provision of food.
    Mrs Brook, also consulted, had glowed with pleasure at the idea of yet another banquet.
    'It's a brilliant idea,' said Olivia. 'Quite a romantic setting too, especially since Kate has done so much to the interior. Rose will love it.' But this reference to his adored young half-sister failed to tempt Vince to change his mind.
    'I don't think it's a good idea at all,' was his sullen response.
    'Come along, dear, it is Christmas. It must be years and years since the old gentleman had such an opportunity. I doubt if he even remembers the last time.' She paused. 'After all he is Kate's uncle, all the family he has,' she reminded him gently, 'and we cannot deprive him of the chance to share in our celebrations-'
    'You're not exactly wringing my heartstrings,' Vince interrupted. 'I don't see-'
    'But then, my love, you never do,' Olivia cut in shortly.
    'It would be exceedingly rude to Conan and Kate. And it is to be in his house, not ours.'
    She paused, and regarding Vince's stony face, put a gentle hand on his arm. 'We don't have to ask him here, even presuming he would be willing to come, but Kate is doing

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