The Convenient Marriage

The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer Page B

Book: The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette Heyer
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    Mr Drelincourt picked up his hat and cane, and was about to take his leave when the door opened briskly, and a lady came in. She was of middle height, dressed in a gown of apple-green cambric with white stripes, in the style known as vive bergère, and had a very becoming straw hat with ribands perched upon her head. A scarf caught over one arm, and a sunshade with a long handle completed her toilet, and in her hand she carried, as Mr Drelincourt saw at a glance, a copy of the London Gazette.
    She was an extremely handsome woman, with most speaking eyes, at once needle-sharp, and warmly smiling, and she bore a striking resemblance to the Earl.
    On the threshold she checked, her quick gaze taking in Mr Drelincourt. ‘Oh – Crosby!’ she said, with unveiled dissatisfaction.
    Rule got up, and took her hand. ‘My dear Louisa, have you also come to breakfast?’ he inquired.
    She kissed him in a sisterly fashion, and replied with energy: ‘I breakfasted two hours ago, but you may give me some coffee. I see you are just going, Crosby. Pray don’t let me keep you. Dear me, why will you wear those very odd clothes, my good creature? And that absurd wig don’t become you, take my word for it!’
    Mr Drelincourt, feeling unable to cope adequately with his cousin, merely bowed, and wished her good morning. No sooner had he minced out of the room than Lady Louisa Quain flung down her copy of the Gazette before Rule. ‘No need to ask why that odious little toad came,’ she remarked. ‘But, my dear Marcus, it is too provoking! There is the most nonsensical mistake made! Have you seen it?’
    Rule began to pour coffee into his own unused cup. ‘Dear Louisa, do you realise that it is not yet eleven o’clock, and I have already had Crosby with me? What time can I have had to read the Gazette?’
    She took the cup from him, observing that she could not conceive how he should care to go on drinking ale with his breakfast. ‘You will have to put in a second advertisement,’ she informed him. ‘I can’t imagine how they came to make such a stupid mistake. My dear, they have confused the names of the sisters! Here it is! You may read for yourself: “The Honourable Horatia Winwood, youngest daughter of –” Really, if it were not so vexing it would be diverting! But how in the world came they to put “Horatia” for “Elizabeth”?’
    ‘You see,’ said Rule apologetically, ‘Arnold sent the advertisement to the Gazette.’
    ‘Well, I never would have believed Mr Gisborne to be so big a fool!’ declared her ladyship.
    ‘But perhaps I ought to explain, my dear Louisa, that he had my authority,’ said Rule still more apologetically.
    Lady Louisa, who had been studying the advertisement with a mixture of disgust and amusement, let the Gazette drop, and twisted round in her chair to stare up at her brother in astonishment. ‘Lord, Rule, what can you possibly mean?’ she demanded. ‘You’re not going to marry Horatia Winwood!’
    ‘But I am,’ said his lordship calmly.
    ‘Rule, have you gone mad? You told me positively you had offered for Elizabeth!’
    ‘My shocking memory for names!’ mourned his lordship.
    Lady Louisa brought her open hand down on the table. ‘Nonsense!’ she said. ‘Your memory’s as good as mine!’
    ‘My dear, I should not like to think that,’ said the Earl. ‘Your memory is sometimes too good.’
    ‘Oh!’ said the lady critically surveying him. ‘Well, you had best make a clean breast of it. Do you really mean to marry that child?’
    ‘Well, she certainly means to marry me,’ said his lordship.
    ‘What?’ gasped Lady Louisa.
    ‘You see,’ explained the Earl, resuming his seat, ‘though it ought to be Charlotte, she has no mind to make such a sacrifice, even for Elizabeth’s sake.’
    ‘Either you are out of your senses, or I am!’ declared Lady Louisa with resignation. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, and how you can mean to marry Horatia, who must

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