The Crimson Claymore

The Crimson Claymore by Craig A. Price Jr. Page A

Book: The Crimson Claymore by Craig A. Price Jr. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig A. Price Jr.
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
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he got off his horse to hold the young warrior up. He checked his pulse and found the man was still alive. There were cuts across his arms and a stab wound into his stomach. Searon looked up to the wizard.
    “Can you heal him?”
    “No, I’m not that type of wizard. Most of my energy I focused on learning flame, not healing. I can heal to an extent, but most of it will be external,” Karceoles said.
    “Perhaps now would be a good time to learn,” Searon rumbled.
    Starlyn moved closer to the human warrior and began tracing her hands across his wounds. She ran her fingers across his stomach, arms, and face. They had stripped him of his armor to his cotton clothing underneath that was stained red. His abdomen was fit and scrawnier than Searon, but he still held strength enough for battling. The wounds weren’t too deep, but his injuries were still threatening if he didn’t have medical help.
    “I can heal these, but we need to find some herbs. Some can be found in this meadow, but others we need to head back to the trees for,” Starlyn said.
    “There is a forest to the west, not far,” Karceoles said.
    “Come, Searon,” Starlyn grabbed Searon’s hand and nearly dragged him to his feet.
    He felt the cool of her soft skin touching his now that his gauntlets were attached to his sash. A warming smile graced Starlyn’s lips as her eyes met his. It was strange having another hand in his, and he looked at it reluctantly before glancing to the wizard.
    “Will you watch him?” he asked.
    Glancing back down to her hand, he noticed how much paler it was than his own. It was cool in his hand but it wasn’t cold, and he found he liked the presence of it.
    “I’ll be the babysitter this time, but hurry, there’s not time for fun ,” Karceoles glared at the kheshlar, who only smiled back at him.
    Searon slid back onto his horse, and surprisingly, Starlyn jumped on behind him and clasped her arms around his waist before resting her head on his shoulder. A half smile found his lips before he tugged the reins, making Stripes gallop off.

Chapter 7
    S earon’s horse pranced forward through the small meadow with Starlyn at his back, clutching hard onto his plate mail. She seemed uneasy at traveling on a saddle and behind Searon. It could probably be assumed that it was both her first time on a saddle and riding behind someone. When they reached the end of the meadow through the thickening sun, she whispered in his ear to stop. He clutched the reins, causing Stripes to halt, and he looked around. The meadow was clear besides a few fluffy white clouds above them that only blocked enough sun to withstand being completely blinded by its bright yellow rays.
    She gently dropped to the ground and stalked over to a small bush with large leaves and violet flowers. Searon kept on his horse, stroking his mane for comfort while watching Starlyn out of the corner of his eye. She brushed her hands through the five large flowers as if searching for the perfect one. Finally satisfied, she pulled two and held them tight to her chest as she made her way back to him. She handed him the two flowers, and he studied them curiously. Both were deep blue in color and turned bright green near the petals. The two flowers must have been hard to find when the majority of them on the bush were violet. He cautiously wrapped them in a red linen handkerchief and stuffed them in an empty saddlebag.
    She lifted herself back onto the saddle and sat behind him, tugging at her hair.
    “What are those called?” he asked.
    “Adueur… they are rare in these colors and hold more healing potency than the purples…and they’re less bitter.”
    Searon watched as her glittering sunflower-blonde hair fluttered in the wind. Her electric silvery eyes resembled jolts of electricity that bolted outward from her pupils and sparkled to match the stars at night. Her beauty outmatched any human that he had ever met, and yet he felt nothing for her. Nobody could

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