The Dark Path

The Dark Path by James M. Bowers, Stacy Larae Bowers Page A

Book: The Dark Path by James M. Bowers, Stacy Larae Bowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: James M. Bowers, Stacy Larae Bowers
Tags: Fantasy
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katana back in its scabbard. Gen leaned on it slightly and bowed once more to the masters.
    "May I leave now? I have grown tired and wish to sleep," Gen stated.
    "Yes, you may go. Bring the blade to practice tomorrow. We will learn more about it then," Master Shingami said in dismissal.
    "Come walk me back to my room, Meeka," Gen ordered oddly. Meeka nodded and followed him out the door. Once the door had closed behind them, Gen almost collapsed.
    "What's wrong!" Meeka exclaimed in concern.
    "I just feel a bit light headed. Please help me get to bed." Gen pulled himself back up leaning upon the cane-katana. Meeka placed his other arm over her shoulders and walked him back to his room. When they got there, she helped Gen down upon his bed. He leaned the katana against the corner post and fell instantly to sleep.
    Shaking his head to clear it of the past, he looked over the blade once more. Satisfied, he slid it home and left for the arena.

    The Duel
    Gen was surprised to see a crowd gathered around the arena. Word had spread of the fight in the short time it had taken him to get ready. Looking around at all the faces, he noticed that the number of his friends present was about even with the number of Aaron's. Then he saw something that really shook him to the core. In the middle of the battleground stood the Headmaster of the Schola. As Gen entered the circle, the Headmaster raised his hands to quiet the crowd.
    "I was made aware of a duel and came to oversee the match," the Headmaster said to the crowd that he had silenced. "Gentlemen, you may proceed."
    The Headmaster left the circle and activated the magic surrounding it. The spell nullified any new magic from being cast, although it did not affect the magically enhanced weapons. Gen placed his sword in his belt and started his stretches, making sure his muscles were loose and his mind calm. Across the circle, Aaron was doing the same, his actions almost a copy of Gen's, if Gen had been half a foot taller and broader of shoulder.
    At an unspoken command, both stopped and turned to face each other. Gen with scabbarded sword in hand and Aaron with his bastard sword at the ready, they advanced toward the center of the ring. Each circled the other, looking for weaknesses. Abruptly, Aaron slashed his sword in a powerful swipe for Gen's neck. Seeing his opponent's shift in balance, Gen easily ducked under the blow and, drawing his blade lightning fast, struck the backside of Aaron's right knee with the back edge of his katana; then placed it quickly back in the scabbard. Electricity crackled as the magic in the katana sent a shock throughout Aaron's body. Screaming in pain, he backed off a step. A mistake.
    Gen, seeing a way in, thrust his scabbarded sword toward Aaron's arm. Aaron moved his blade just in time to parry the thrust and slashed back. But Gen expected this and moved swiftly to the side, letting the momentum carry Aaron's arm around, throwing him off balance. He pushed him in the back with his scabbard and watched Aaron's face hit the dirt. Aaron roared in anger and quickly got back up. He shouted an Eremian war cry and ran full speed at Gen.
    Gen stood calmly and a split second before Aaron connected, he dropped down and thrust his shoulder into Aaron's gut. Aaron felt faint. All his air had been knocked out of him. He went down to one knee and tried to regain his breath. Gen stepped back and let him. This is too easy. What is he doing? I've seen novices fight better. He's not using his head at all, just going at it with sheer rage and strength . Gen was brought out of his thoughts when he saw the blond man stand back up and turn to face him.
    "You should have struck me down when you had the chance, Little Man!" Aaron said through gritted teeth.
    "Why do you hate me so much, Aaron?" Gen asked while drawing his katana slowly from its scabbard. He had played it easy with Aaron till now, hoping not to hurt him too badly. The look in Aaron's eyes

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