The Dead Room
differ. His mother is a fugitive. They’ve crossed state lines, which makes this a Federal investigation. And you should know better than to question him without an adult present.’
    ‘He’s not a suspect, you idiot.’
    Phillips looked at the boy. ‘I’m taking you to the Albany field office in New York. We’ll place you –’
    ‘I’m going to give you a choice,’ Darby said. ‘You can walk out of here standing, or you can be thrown out of here.’
    Pine stepped forward, clearing his throat. ‘He’s got a fugitive warrant, Darby.’
    ‘I don’t have time for this,’ Phillips said, and pushed her to one side.
    She grabbed his wrist, twisting his hand behind his back. She grabbed the back of his shirt collar, dragged him across the floor and shoved him face first against the wall.
    The Fed yelped in pain. She didn’t let go. She applied more pressure to his arm, wanting to snap it. Instead, she leaned in close to him and said, ‘You don’t listen too well, do you?’
    She pulled him away from the wall, dragged him to the door and threw him into the corridor. He fell against the floor, gritting his teeth and sweat popping out on his forehead as he glared up at her.
    ‘Keep your ass out of here,’ she said.
    What she saw in his eyes she had seen in too many men – an insecure boy trapped in a man’s body. A guy like Phillips would lay in wait, nursing his wounded ego and pride. He’d take his embarrassment and then channel it into his only real talent: finding the most spectacular way to screw you over.
    ‘Calm down,’ Pine said behind her. ‘Nobody here wants to hurt you.’
    Darby turned and saw Patrolman Rodman reaching for his sidearm.
    The boy was holding a gun – a small .38 revolver, aimed at Pine.
    Where the hell did he get the gun?
    ‘ Stay back ,’ John – Sean – screamed. ‘ I’m not going with him .’
    Darby moved in front of Pine, raising her hands near her head. ‘You’re right, you’re not going with him.’
    ‘ You can’t make me. YOU CAN’T MAKE ME .’
    ‘Look at me,’ Darby said. ‘ Look at me .’
    He did, lips quivering. Tears spilled down his cheeks and the gun shook in his hand.
    ‘You don’t have to go with him, I promise.’ Her heart was beating fast but she wasn’t afraid. ‘And I promised I’d help you, remember? You can trust me.’
    He didn’t answer. He scanned each of the faces staring at him.
    Darby cocked her head over her shoulder and said, ‘Everyone, out of the room.’
    Pine hesitated.
    ‘Do it,’ Darby said. ‘ Now .’
    When everyone had left, she backed up slowly and shut the door.
    The boy’s frightened gaze shifted to the recorder lying on the tangled blanket.
    ‘It’s off,’ Darby said. ‘It’s just you and me, Sean.’
    He started sobbing but didn’t lower the gun.
    ‘You’ve been through a lot tonight,’ Darby said. ‘You’re scared, you’re angry and upset. I understand what you’re going through. My father was murdered. Whatever this is about, I’ll help you solve it.’
    ‘You can’t.’
    ‘I can. I will . I gave you my word. Whatever this is about, you can trust me.’
    He kept sobbing.
    ‘Put the gun down on the bed,’ Darby said. ‘Just put it down and then you and I will talk. Just me and you, okay? I promise –’
    He slammed the muzzle underneath his chin and pulled the trigger.

    Jamie Russo popped the boot, then considered the two handguns lying on the passenger seat: her .44 Magnum and a Glock with an extended magazine. She went with the Magnum, slid it inside her shoulder holster and stepped out of the car. The right side of her face throbbed and she could still taste blood on the back of her throat.
    A full moon hung in the sky above the rock walls of the old Belham Quarry. She had left the car headlights on and could see the edge of the cliff. She wasn’t worried about being seen. No houses for miles and she doubted anyone came out this way any more, especially at this time of

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