people give up watching or waiting for Jesus to return?
Lesson 51:
Divided Over Jesus
Key Verses: Luke 12:22-23
And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.”
The Map:
Have you ever had to make a really hard choice? What were you choosing between? In this lesson, we are going to learn how some people will choose to believe in Jesus and some won’t. Instead of bringing peace, this will bring division. Let’s take a look at what Jesus means in this passage.
The Dig: Luke 12:49-59
What does Jesus say He came to bring?
What example does Jesus use to teach us there will be division?
What does Jesus say they can do? Look again at verses 54-56.
The Treasure:
It is more important to make God happy than it is to make people happy! Jesus knew that living for Him might make other people upset or even mad. As Christians, we know that living for Jesus might cause division. Some people will believe in Him and others won’t. It’s okay! Live to make God happy.
The Display:
Do you have friends that aren’t Christians? Remember that some people aren’t Christians because they don’t want to be, but others just have never heard about Jesus. Are there friends of yours that you could invite to church or pray for?
The Oasis
Congratulations! You have finished the first volume. I know it was a long journey, but you did it! I hope you have learned a lot about Jesus during this study of Luke. Way to finish strong!
Review Key Verses: Luke 12:22-23
Take a minute and tell your mom or dad the key verses. Remember, you are not allowed to look!
Review Questions:
1. Who does Jesus say we are to pray to?
2. What are some things Jesus mentions we should ask God the Father for?
3. Whose power does Jesus day He was using to defeat evil?
4. What are the Pharisees doing wrong?
5. Why does Jesus tell us not to be afraid of people?
6. What is greed?
7. Why does Jesus tell us not to worry?
The Oasis Activity
Each Oasis Activity is a fun and creative project for children to complete that will help them remember the key verse from each section. To download and print your copy, please visit:
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In Closing
You have finished Luke Volume 1. I hope you continue to enjoy reading and studying the Bible as much as I do. The Bible is not just any normal book. It is God’s Word, but it is also God’s Story!
The Bible tells us how in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Everything and everyone belongs to Him! God created us to live in a loving friendship and relationship with Him. The bad news is that just like Adam and Eve, our sins separate us from God. But the good news is that because God loves us, He sent us a Savior, Jesus, to rescue us from our sins.
John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” The news is that good! When we believe in Jesus, God forgives us of our sins and gives us everlasting life! As Christians, we do not go through life alone. We know that God loves us and is always with us no matter what happens. And best of all, some day we will be together in Heaven with God. Now that is something to look forward to!
I hope you will continue reading and studying God’s Word. But most importantly, I pray that as you learn more about God it will help you to love God more. He is truly amazing and worth living for!
There is a lot more to dig for, so be sure to check out Luke Volume 2. It tells the rest of Jesus’ amazing story.
Happy Digging,
Sophie Jordan
Joanna Challis
Joe R. Lansdale, Caitlin R.Kiernan Simon R. Green Neil Gaiman
K. Robert Andreassi
Zoe Norman
Caroline Fyffe
Richard Whittle
Alasdair Gray
Alethea Black
Mary Razzell