The Dragon’s Virgin Slave 2: Captive (Monster Breeding Dragon Shifter Erotic Romance)

The Dragon’s Virgin Slave 2: Captive (Monster Breeding Dragon Shifter Erotic Romance) by Cherry Dare Page B

Book: The Dragon’s Virgin Slave 2: Captive (Monster Breeding Dragon Shifter Erotic Romance) by Cherry Dare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherry Dare
Tags: dragon sex, dragon shifter romance, dragon shifter erotica
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stabbed through her mouth, and she felt her lip split and bleed. She tried
to spit at him, but her mouth wouldn’t move.
    The pale man spoke emotionlessly.
“Enough of this. I cannot hold the spell for long. We must return to Wyrm.”
    Kara tried desperately to move, to
reach Rhodar, to at least touch him and assure herself that he was alive, but
her entire body was paralyzed. She could only watch helplessly as the pale man
gestured. The world went dark around her.
    She awoke in a position that was all
too familiar: chained to a bed, with the slave trader standing over her. This
time she was in an even more lavish room, draped with brocade tapestries. Her
paralysis was gone, but manacles were clamped tight around her ankles and
    “You won’t get another chance at
me, bitch,” he said. “But I’ll get a chance at you!”
    Slowly, giving her plenty of time
to watch, he unknotted his draped trousers and withdrew his erect penis. Kara
eyed the pale organ with loathing.
    Though she was afraid, she forced
herself to sound defiant. “Go on, stick it in me. I won’t even feel a tiny
thing like that. It reminds me of the slugs I used to pick off our berry
    He stroked his repulsive veiny prick.
It jerked and twitched in his hand.
    “Maybe I’ll fuck your mouth first,”
he snapped. “Make you choke on it.”
    “Go ahead. I’ll bite it off.” Kara
snapped her teeth at him.
    The slave trader jerked back, and
his prick sagged in his hand.
    Kara deliberately laughed aloud.
She knew it was dangerous to taunt him, but if she could get him talking, he
might reveal precious information that might enable her— and Rhodar— to escape.
The slave trader certainly wouldn’t believe her if she pretended to want him,
as she had the first time.
    “Have it your way, bitch,” he
muttered, hastily stuffing his limp worm back into his undergarments. “Slut. Whore.
You’re to be saved for the Master anyway. You won’t be so defiant once he’s had
    “Who’s the Master?” Kara asked.
“The pale man?”
    The slave trader sniggered. “Him?
He’s nothing— just a hired sorcerer. Wyrm has hundreds of them. The Master is
the Lord of Wyrm. He owns this palace... and the dungeons beneath it.”
    “The dungeons?” Kara echoed, afraid
to ask directly. Surely Rhodar was in the dungeons. She refused to believe that
he could be dead.
    The brutish man licked his lips.
“Yes, the dungeons! It’s where he keeps his monsters. I hope he throws you to
them. You think you like being a whore to monsters? You won’t enjoy the beasts
of the dungeon!”
    “You never know,” Kara said coolly.
“What’s he got in there?”
    “Your dragon lover, for one,” the
slave trader retorted.
    Kara kept her expression blank,
hiding her relief. So Rhodar was alive!
    “Maybe the Master will make your
beast-lover watch while he throws you to the monsters,” the man went on. “I
hope you get tossed to the lion-man. Oh, he looks handsome enough, if you like
animals— and obviously you do. But his cock is barbed. I love listening to
women sigh when he sticks it in... and scream when he pulls it out!”
    Kara couldn’t repress a shudder.
    Her sadistic captor smiled. “Or
maybe he’ll throw you to the wasp queen. Oh, yes, she’s female. But she has a
prick like none you’ve ever seen before. And she doesn’t stick it in your cunt,
she stabs it into your belly, to lay her eggs inside you. The larvae eat their
way out.”
    Kara’s jaw was clenched tight, her
facial muscles locked into a bland stare. If she reacted at all, he’d only
think of more horrible things to threaten her with.
    The slaver trader seemed
disappointed by her lack of reaction. He bent low over her, giving her a close
view of the gaping wound in his skull. She shivered and pulled away, as much as
she could. He laughed and bent lower, sticking out his wet tongue to lick at
her face.
    She jerked her head forward and up,
smashing her own hard skull into his

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