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Book: THE DREAM CHILD by Emma Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Daniels
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a bracelet like that,” Geoff said. “Have you got any more?”
    “I’ll see what I can rustle up.”
    “Why don’t you bring some to work?” Victor suggested. “I’m sure you’ll sell a few.’
    “I might just do that,” she said, wondering why she’d never thought of it before.

    Even though she had everything ready and packed, Sophie still felt nervous about her first lesson in six years. Part of the reason was because Vic had talked her into letting him drive her to St Ives, He maintained that his parents’ house was a bit hard to find.
    The other reason was because she would be dealing with a woman whose husband had once been the auspicious and revered State Director. Sophie had only ever seen him once in person, across a crowded room where he’d been presenting an all-staff briefing. She’d heard plenty about him of course, not much of it good. Compared to the current incumbent, who was supportive of his staff and interested in hearing their views, James Rose had only ever been interested in pandering to the Minister.
    But then she’d been listening to Louise’s opinion on the matter. According to her they were all crooks and only interested in feathering their own nests.
    As for Vic, Sophie was going to make up her own mind about him. If Sophie was completely honest with herself, she was really starting to like the man. The fact that he admitted to having made mistakes in his life spoke volumes as far as she was concerned.
    Duncan, for one, had never been able to take responsibilities of his actions, be they right or wrong. It was always someone else’s fault, particularly their inability to have a child. Sophie really didn’t want to wish him ill, but she hoped that if he found someone else he’d treat her better than he’d treated her.
    For the first time Sophie found herself wondering if she would have another serious relationship. She’d had a few boyfriends before him, one lasting almost twelve months, but Duncan had been the only one she’d felt close enough to want to marry. Now she wondered what she’d ever seen in him. When she compared him to Vic he came a very poor second.
    What was she thinking?
    How could she even contemplate getting serious about Vic?
    Sure she liked him, and was definitely attracted to him, but he was her boss, and probably only being nice to her to her so his mother could learn jewellery making.
    Right on cue she heard a loud knocking on her front door. He was here, and she wasn’t ready. Well, she had everything she wanted to take packed, but she wasn’t sure what she had on was appropriate.
    She’d put on her best pair of jeans, thinking what she wore to work would be too business-like, but now she wondered if perhaps she shouldn’t have put on one of her long gypsy skirts with a plain black top. She was waring a pink skivvy with a casual jacket over the top, and a pair of low heeled black boots.
    Of course she’d teamed it with some of her jewellery. When in the business, you showed off your creations, and today she had on a pink and blue beaded Chech glass crochet twist necklace with matching earrings and bracelet. She’d pulled back her hair with another matching beaded hair clip, as she didn’t want it getting in the way while she worked.
    Well, it was too late to change her mind now, so she opened the front door.
    As soon as she saw him, she knew she shouldn’t have worried, as he too was wearing jeans and a jumper, over which he had on a funky leather jacket. The man obviously loves his leather, she couldn’t help thinking. Since she’d never seen him without a tie before, she couldn’t help staring at him. He looked even better in jeans than he did in business attire. They hugged his long muscular legs like a second skin.
    He greeted her with a smile, as he too gave her the once over.
    “Ready to go?” he asked.
    Sophie nodded, wondering just what he thought of her. His lingering gaze gave

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