The Everlasting Covenant

The Everlasting Covenant by Robyn Carr Page B

Book: The Everlasting Covenant by Robyn Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Carr
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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little shelter, she turned expectantly, but it was many long moments before he arrived. In his hand was a scythe. He dropped it instantly to take her in his arms.
    “ Dylan, my God, you came inside Raedelle ’ s walls, ” she gasped, holding his face in her hands and covering him with kisses.
    “ There is no time, my love. A troop of a dozen men awaits us. Come with me now. ”
    “ Now? How? ”
    “ If we can make the wood there are two horses tethered. Anne, there may never be another chance. ”
    “ Oh Dylan, why did you come inside? ”
    “ I have roved this fair countryside for some weeks, but the Raedelle gate is stout at night, for the Giffords conspire to unseat King Henry. Coming inside by daylight appeared to be the only the way. ”
    Joy penetrated through tears of fear and Anne laughed. He had come! “ As a peasant man with a crooked back. Oh, Dylan! ”
    “ You were so long at your prayers, I thought I would die. ” He kissed her mouth hungrily, his wildly beating heart pressed against hers. He grasped her hand and covered her palm and fingers with kisses. And then he held her so tightly she was nearly crushed.
    “ I was afraid you would never come, ” she whispered against his ear. “ I have never been so afraid. ”
    “ Listen to me, my love. We must flee by the light of day. I have watched your house, and there is no way for you to escape after the sun is set. It is a long way to the wood. We will have to run. Can you come now? ”
    “ Now, yes, ” she said, kissing him again. His arms tightened about her waist, holding her so near she felt almost a part of him. Finally they would be as one.
    “ Are you afraid? ” he asked her.
    “ No, Dylan. I am only afraid of losing you. ”
    “ Let me hold you, just for a moment, before we -- ”
    “ Old Minerva, ” she said suddenly, stiffening. “ Dylan, Minerva lies dying. ”
    “ There is no time, Anne. It must be now. ”
    “ Wait, Dylan, wait. The guard saw me leave the wall and my dress is a bright color. An hour, my love. Stay here, where you are safe, and let me return to Minerva. I will only kiss her brow, that is all. I will take a dark, poor gown and one of her old shawls and leave Raedelle just as you have come. Less notice will be taken of a peasant leading an old hag down the road than if we run for the wood. ”
    He frowned slightly. “ I do not want to let go of you again. I fear I will never have another chance. There is war on the land. Anne, at any moment our chance to flee could be lost. ”
    “ But Dylan, for a year and a half we have awaited this. An hour. Please. ”
    He held her head against his chest and stroked the silky length of her hair. “ It is so close, ” he said breathlessly. “ You have no idea how terrible it is, the war that is coming. ”
    “ We will be far away from it, my love. ”
    “ God help us, I hope so. I do not think Henry ’ s army can hold them back. ” He lifted her chin. “ Anne, if we fail ... ”
    “ Dylan, hush! I have never walked through Raedelle ’ s gate more easily. They are so upset with their conspiracy, they notice me less than ever. I will take a shawl in a basket and tell the guard I am returning to cut wild flowers for old Minerva. ”
    As she looked into his eyes she saw a fear and intensity that she had never before seen. In a panicked breath he whispered, “ Anne, come now: ”
    She was afraid for him, never before seeing that look of panic etched into his handsome face. “ Less than an hour, Dylan. It will be safer. Wait here. ” She kissed his lips. “ I love you. ”
    It was difficult to keep from skipping back to the gate. Anne had to keep her head slightly bowed so that no one would see the smile she could not hide, the flush of her cheeks. At last. There was not the slightest tugging at her heart for the betrayal her family would feel, for she hated what they were doing. They were moved to depose a king for want of power and money, not for a higher principle

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