The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

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Authors: John Hamer
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results, to achieve their ends.
    “The downfall of ‘science’ is upon us.   Eroded by the intellectual dishonesty of those who promote GMOs, pesticides, vaccines and fluoride in the name of ‘science’, the reputation of science itself has lost tremendous ground over the last few years.   Even though I am scientifically educated, I believe today's misappropriation of ‘science’ for corporate greed is perhaps the most destructive, pathological force that has yet been unleashed upon human civilization.”   Mike Adams, Natural News, January 2011.

    To say that this approach to research is entirely unscientific is an understatement of some magnitude.   It would appear to be that in all disciplines, Elite, corporate profits, personal prestige and maintaining the ‘illusion’ are far more important than accurate conclusions.   Whether we are discussing archaeology, astronomy, mathematics, anthropology, physics, biology, chemistry, history or virtually anything else you can name, the huge majority of scientists and academics will do whatever it takes to defend their pre-determined positions and protect their own livelihoods and interests and of course, those of their employers, ultimately the Elite families when traced to the top of the pyramid.   No wonder it is virtually impossible to penetrate the barriers erected by medical professionals with the real facts about vitamin D, sunscreen lotion and cancer for example.   These ‘scientific-thinkers’ have already had their ‘beliefs’ instilled by the Elite-owned pharmaceutical cartel’s propaganda and they will steadfastly defend those beliefs even to the detriment of the health and well-being of their patients and the human race as a whole.
    Today's scientists unfortunately, are not even trained to be truly scientific thinkers.   They are often just indoctrinated followers of a particular vested interest’s own private cult (usually the Elite’s, when traced back to source).    For example, some ‘scientists’ belong to the Cult of Pharmacology and they believe (or so they would have us believe) that pharmacological solutions are the answer to all health issues and that natural remedies are mere ‘quackery’.   Whilst others belong, for example, to the Cult of Climatology, where scientific evidence proving that global-warming is not human-caused or linked to CO2 emissions, is ignored or replaced with ‘facts’ that are not allowed to be questioned and are repeated ad nauseum by the controlled media and complicit corporate interests, until we poor, deluded souls assume that they must be true.

    Science rarely advances based entirely on new research, new ideas and data.   Instead, these new discoveries often founder against an impenetrable barrier erected by the established scientific community in protection of their own positions and at the behest of their all-powerful masters.   Sometimes, new ideas may be consigned to the background for decades or even centuries before finally being seriously considered by the scientific community as worthy of being adopted as ‘truth’ and so the cycle continues on.   A classic example of this was the ruthlessly enforced ‘Earth as the centre of the Universe’ belief that was eventually replaced with the current sun-centric solar system model but not before many scientists and philosophers were condemned and even killed for their unacceptable belief that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe.   Indeed it appears to be the case that ‘new’ ideas, provable or not, are only accepted once the surrounding infrastructure is adjusted accordingly over time to accommodate them within the controlled paradigm.
    “It is often the case that the more you know, the more you realise you don't know.   In other words, you see that so many assumptions of knowledge were just that - assumptions.   This is the same for everyone to an extent, because there is so much to know, but with mainstream science it is

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