The Fortune

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Book: The Fortune by Beth Williamson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Williamson
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nervous laugh.  
    Shit. Veronica Harvey was in his goddamn tent.
    “Get out. Now, before your father sees you.”
    “That’s the whole point, silly.” She moved closer, one pale hand swiping his cheek.
    John jerked back and hightailed it out of the tent. He got to his feet and waited, yet she didn’t follow. This reminded him of a time he’d like to forget, years ago when another young woman decided she was his for the taking. No way he would allow Veronica to manipulate this situation.
    “Get out, Miss Harvey.” He didn’t want to get any louder, but the damn woman was testing his patience. “What the hell are you doing in my tent?”
    “Waiting for you.” Her voice told him she knew exactly what she was doing. He’d been right to steer clear of this one. She would swallow him whole, and not in a good way. “I need a way to escape from my father and you are the perfect man.”
    “I am nowhere near perfect and I sure as hell don’t want to be your escape.” He didn’t want to be the idiot she used.
    “You’re handsome, strong, and you aren’t married. Those are the three most important things I’m looking for.”  
    “Don’t make me tell you again to clear out. I’ll find Buck and your father if you don’t.” He knew Harvey might ask for his job. Since he’d just left Buck five minutes earlier, at least his boss would know he hadn’t been up to no good with the Harvey girl.
    “Oh, now, Johnny, you don’t want to do that. I’m not wearing any clothes.”
    John nearly cracked a tooth clenching his jaw. “Then I’m leaving now.”
    “No, don’t leave.” Rustling sounds in the tent preceded her sticking her blonde head out of the tent flap. Her hair was down around her shoulders, but it was too dark to see if she truly was naked. “I came here for you. I need your help.”
    The woman certainly had guts coming to him with a cockamamie story about needing help. He didn’t believe it for a minute. Damn sure he needed to get her out of his tent straight away before someone saw her.
    Shit. Shit. Shit. Reginald Harvey appeared out of the shadows, striding toward John like an avenging angel.
    “I’m glad you’re here, Mr. Harvey. Your daughter seems to have lost her way.” John’s gut clenched tighter than a well digger’s ass. “I just found her in my tent.”
    Right behind Mr. Harvey was Buck. Well, it was a party now. John put his hands on his hips, waiting for the blow he expected.
    “What’s happening here?” Mr. Harvey looked between the tent and John. “Why is my daughter in your tent, Malloy?”
    “I have no idea. I found her here not two minutes ago.” He glanced at Buck, hoping his boss would back him up. “I was helping other folks out with Buck until then.”
    “Your shirt is unbuttoned, Malloy. I don’t think Mr. Avery would allow you to help settlers in an undressed state.” Mr. Harvey folded his arms across his ample girth.  
    John cursed under his breath. He’d taken off his shirt to wash up. Hell, he’d forgotten it was unbuttoned at all. Oh, this was not good, not good at all.
    “I stopped to clean off the trail dust in the creek.” The explanation sounded like a weak excuse, even if it was the truth.
    “And my daughter? How long has she been here?”  
    “Mr. Malloy and I are in love, Daddy.” Veronica popped out of the tent, her dress askew, her hair down and mussed, looking for all the world as though she’d been tussling with him.
    “We are not in love, Miss Harvey. I barely know you.” John gritted his teeth. This was not going to end well.
    “You kissed me the first day we left Independence.” She moved toward him, her hand raised as though to touch him. He moved back out of her reach. “It was love at first sight.”
    “Miss Harvey, I think you’re mistaking me for someone else.” John could hardly believe the woman. She was closing a trap on him and he never saw it coming.
    “Are you calling her a liar or a

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