teleport herself here. Besides, if she did decide to apport, she’d be more careful than this. Apporting Jinn can detect the presence of humans, and my mother wouldn’t risk apping in with people this close. Neither would any of my Zar sisters, especially Laila, Samara’s daughter and my former best Jinn friend. Since she’s the only one whose apporting signature I have yet to feel, this could be hers. But I know it’s not. As much as I want to see her, she’s not ready to see me. I’m up to three texts a day and still not a peep from her. Not even an angry-faced emoticon. There’s no way she’d app here.
I turn around to find Nate buttoning his shirt. The sensation of my fingers on his abs lingers. I shake out my arms as I fling the backpack onto one shoulder. I’m being paranoid. There’s no reason for me to be tingling.
Nodding to my bag, Nate starts walking backward out of his sister’s bedroom. “Now you really are running from something too hot to handle.”
He winks and there’s ample reason for me to be tingling.
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Copyright © 2016 by Lori Goldstein
A Feiwel and Friends Book
An Imprint of Macmillan
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eBook edition March 2016
eISBN 9781250110237