The Gentlewoman

The Gentlewoman by Lisa Durkin Page B

Book: The Gentlewoman by Lisa Durkin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Durkin
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turned her head and looked him in the eye. They ran
another block in silence before she said, “We better turn around.”
    Finally she asked, “Why do you want to be friends with me?”
She spoke so calmly and gently that it seemed she was afraid of the answer.
    Because I want to fuck you , was the first thought
that popped into Jackson’s head, and he started laughing. “What do you mean why
do I want to be friends with you? You’re a cool chick, Morgan. You’re
interesting and smart. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with you?”
    She snorted. “Well, while I totally agree, it still makes me
    “Tell you what. How about you come back to my place and I
cook you breakfast before we head to the Hill today?”
    Rory turned her head again and looked at him. “Depends on
how bad of a cook you are.”
    “I’m terrible. Come see.”
    “Okay. In the name of friendship I’ll suffer through your
attempt at home cooking.”
    As they stopped for Jackson to unlock his door Rory eyed her
own suspiciously. She reached out and jiggled the knob.
    “So your door was open?” Jackson held his door open for Rory
to enter in front of him. He looked back at her door.
    “I’m sure I just didn’t pull it closed all the way.”
    “We’ll have to take a look at the knob. It may need to be
    Jackson ushered Rory to a seat at the kitchen bar. He went
to work putting bacon in a pan to fry, setting the bar and pouring glasses of
orange juice. “So tell me what you’ll be busy with this week.”
    “I’m going to be busy negotiating the appropriations EPA
needs for my shipyard. I’m hoping I can count on your support, Dorn.”
    “We’ll see about that. Who are you looking to get a vote out
of beside me?”
    Rory rattled off the list of the coveted eleven. She
outlined her reasoning and reviewed her proposed approach. He listened
intently, laying a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her and taking his seat.
    “Wednesday I’m having lunch with a few of the members of the
committee. You’re welcome to join us. Arness and Moore will be there at least,
if not more of them on your list,” he said and popped bacon into his mouth.
    “Thanks, I appreciate that. I’ll be there. Just tell me
where and when.”
    “McGovern’s Steakhouse, twelve-thirty, Wednesday. The
reservation is under my name. Be there or be square,” he quipped before
draining his orange juice glass and setting it back on the counter with a tap.
“Now, if you’re finished choking down my horrific cooking, go get ready for
work and I’ll share my ride with you.”
    “Well, it was an effort. But I think with a little luck I
just may be able to keep it down.” She smiled and rose to clear her plate. He
watched her as, without thinking, she scraped her dish into the garbage can and
rinsed it in the sink. When she was finished, she wiped her hands on the dish
towel and moved toward the door. “Give me half an hour.”
    Jackson leaned back and smiled at the comfort level they
were building.

Chapter Five
    Rory arrived at her office to find Nicole already there,
alone and on the phone working to make appointments with the eleven members of
the Appropriations Committee. As Rory grabbed a cup of coffee, she could hear
Nicole talking.
    “Tell the representative that Nicole Dailey from
Congresswoman Morgan’s office phoned to set an appointment to review
legislation and discuss mutual agendas. Yes, thank you.” She hung up and Rory
walked in, sipping her coffee.
    “You’re at it early this morning,” Rory said as she sat
down, cupping her mug.
    “Yes, I wanted to get started on Morgan’s Eleven.” Nicole winked.
    “Well, Prego, what do you have for me?” They smiled at each
other at the endearment Rory always used when Nicole was expecting.
    “I have appointments for you with Richards and Marshall for
tomorrow. I left messages with Brown and Donnelly’s people and they said they’d
get back to me today. I’ll harass them

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